If you have a defense to the claims in the Complaint, you must “Answer” the Complaint within 21 days of the day you got the papers. An Answer is your legal response to the court papers you get.
If you disagree with the Complaint, it is very important that you send a written Answer. There are 2 ways to do this:
You can create an Answer online at: http://www.lawhelpmn.org/forms.
This is a step-by-step interview that lets you print out a completed Answer.
By Hand
Your Answer can be in the form of a letter. Make sure you put identifying information from the Complaint into your Answer. Like the names of the parties or a case number if there is one.
Your Answer must respond truthfully to each claim in the Complaint. There are 3 possible responses to each claim:
- I admit this claim is true.
- This claim is not true.
- I don’t know if this claim is true or false.
It is NOT a defense to say you can’t afford to pay a debt you are being sued for.
If you think the other side owes you money, write the reasons why as part of your Answer and label it a Counterclaim.
IMPORTANT: A phone call to the other party or lawyer is not a legal Answer ever.
When you are done with your Answer letter, make sure you date and sign it. Then mail or deliver it to the party who is suing you or their lawyer. That information is in the original Summons and Complaint. Write down the date you mailed or delivered it. Keep the original copy of the Answer, you might need to file it in court.