Tribal Court Forms
Welcome! These divorce and custody forms are for three tribal courts in Minnesota: Leech Lake, Red Lake, and White Earth. Make sure to choose the proper tribal court. Each of those links will take you to a complete set of divorce-related forms, including custody issues, child support, and getting a divorce. Be sure to review the instructions to see which forms are right for you.
Fillable Smart Forms
Some Minnesota court forms are “Fillable Smart Forms.” If the form you need is a Fillable Smart Form, it says that on the form list. Fillable Smart Forms are forms you can fill out online without leaving the court’s website. When you do a fillable form, you can also file the form with the court online. You can only do fillable forms on a computer with internet. You need to have Adobe Reader on your computer to fill out the form.
BUT you may need to change some settings in your browser to make the forms work.
Note: You can view the forms on your phone, but you won’t be able to fill them out there.
To be able to do Fillable Smart Forms, your internet browser needs to be set up in a certain way. Sometimes, the forms work in Internet Explorer without changing any settings. But if you are using another browser, like Chrome, Firefox, or Safari, this message pops up instead of the form:
If this message is not eventually replaced by the proper contents of the document, your PDF viewer may not be able to display this type of document.
You can upgrade to the latest version of Adobe Reader for Windows®, Mac, or Linux® by visiting
For more assistance with Adobe Reader visit
If you get this message, you need to change your browser settings. The court has information about how to change the settings so you can fill out the forms online.
Having trouble? If you are having trouble using the Fillable Smart Form online, you can save it to your computer and fill it out there instead. Right click on the linked words “Fillable Smart Form” and choose the “save as” option – it could also say “save link as” or “save target as.” After it downloads to your computer, use your Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat to open it and fill out the form. Downloaded forms can still be filed with the court from your computer.
The court also has Quick Reference Guides to help.
Quick Reference Guide (QRG) - Saving and Opening Fillable Smart Forms
Quick Reference Guide (QRG) - Working with Fillable Smart Forms