Nyiaj Yug Menyuam

Tus sau
Education for Justice
Zaum kawg kho Tshiab

Phau ntawv no muaj cov ntaub ntawv ntsig txog teev cov nyiaj yug menyuam (child support) li cas, sau kom tau nyiaj li cas thiab hloov li cas. Nws muaj cov ntaub ntawv qhi txog daim ntawv teev qhia txog cov nyiaj yug menyuam (child support) yug npaub mcas ntawm Minnesota’s child support guidelines hu ua “Income Shares.” 

Nco ntsoov, phau ntawv no yog ib phau ntawd cov qhia thiab nws tsis yog sau los teb tag nrho cov lus nug. Cov ntaub ntawv kuj los yog kuj tsis raug tsis nkag koj kis. Cov cai lij choj tham hauv phau ntawv no ib sij hloov ib zaug, yog li ntawv tshawb fawb kom paub txog tej qho hloov.

Cov kevcai rau nyiaj yug menyuam muaj ib cov lus thiab ntsiab lus uas koj yuav tsum paub. Yog koj pom ib los lus tshiab lossis ib qhov koj tsis totaub, mus nrhiav hauv phau ntawv txhais lus tom qab Tshooj 6.

Saib lossis luam cov ntawv tawm

Tshooj 2: Qhov nyiaj yug menyuam (child support) tau ntau tau tsawg yog paub tau li cas?

Qhov nyiaj yug menyuam (child support) tau ntau tau tsawg yog paub tau li cas?

Lub xeev Minnesota teev ib daim ntawv qhia kom paub (guidelines) tias qhov nyiaj them yug menyuam (child support) ntau thiab tsawg npaum li cas. Nws hu ua income shares.” Income shares teeb qhov nyiaj them yug menyuam (child support) yog los saib cov nyiaj khwv tau (gross income) ntawm ob tug niam txiv. Gross income yog tag nrho cov nyiaj khwm tau ua nej thaum txiav se tawm. 

Tom qab muab ob tug niam txiv no cov nyiaj gross income tshawb fawb tau lawm, nkawd qhov nyiaj nkawd khwv tau muab los tso uake. Qhov nyiaj muab los uake seb ntau npaum cas mus sib piv rau daim ntawv teev qhia (guidelines chart) kom qhia tau tias ob tug niam txiv ntawd yuav pab nyiaj them yug menyuam (child support) ntawm nkawd qhov nyiaj nkawd khwv tau los yug menyuam. Qhov them ntau npaum cas nyob ntawm daim ntawv qhia (guideline) chart yuav muab faib rau ob leeg niam txiv them. Nws yog faib raws li qhov percent ntawm ib tug niam txiv qhov nyiaj nws khwv tau es yog los ntawm qhov nyiaj nws khwv tau tag nrho. Piv txwv, ib tug niam txiv qhov nyiaj nws khwv tau tej zaum yuav yog li ntawm 60% ntawm tag nrho cov nyiaj khwv tau hos lwm tus niam txiv tsuas khwv tau 40% xwb. Qhov nyiaj ntawm daim ntawv qhia (chart) yuav muab faib 60% thiab 40%.

Tus nqi them nyiaj yug menyuam (child support) feem ntau teeb los ntawm daim ntawv cob qhia tau teev tseg Guidelines. Tabsis tus neeg txiav txim los yog tus child support magistrate kuj teeb tau qhov nqi them yug menyuam kom siab dua los yog qis dua ntawm daim ntawv cob qhia guideline nyob ntawd seb:

  • Qhov nyiaj khwv tau, cov khoom (assets,) kev siv nyiaj them nuj nqis, thiab qhov kev yuav tsum tau ntawm ob leeg niam txiv thiab
  • qhov cov menyuam yuav tsum muaj thiab qhov kev siv nyiaj yuav khoom ntawm cov menyuam

Piv txwv, tus nqi them nyiaj yug menyuam (child support) kuj yuav teeb koj siab rau daim ntawv cob qhia guideline yog tias tus menyuam muaj ib qho mob los yog kawm ntawv xiam oos qhab.  Nws kuj yuav teeb kom qis zog daim ntawv cob qhia guideline yog tias them qhov nqi nyiaj yug menyuam (child support) es tau teeb tseg yuav yog ib qho nyuaj rau tus neeg es them nyiaj yug menyuam (child support).

Qhov pab kom paub tias cov nyiaj yug menyuam (child support) yuav tau them ntau npaum cas tej zaum yuav kom koj them, koj yeej siv tau qhov online no los laij seb koj yuav raug them nyiaj yug menyuam (child support) npaum cas hauv http://childsupportcalculator.dhs.state.mn.us/ (lus Askiv xwb)

Koj yuav tsum tau paub seb koj khwv nyiaj (gross income) tau ntau npaum cas, tus niam txiv sab tod khwv nyiaj (gross income) tau ntau npaum cas, thiab cov sij hawm rau niam txiv saib tus menyuam kom thiaj li paub siv lub laij lej los ntsuas.  Yog koj siv lub laij lej hauv online, koj yeej luam tau thiab nqa tau daim ntawv koj laij ntawd mus nrog koj thaum koj muaj rooj sab laj (child support hearing)

Qhov nyiaj khwv tau twg muab coj los luj tias yog cov nyiaj gross income?

Yuav teev qhov nyiaj them yug menyuam (child support), lub tsev hais plaub saib cov nyiaj khwv tau (gross income) ntawm ob tug niam txiv. Gross income yog tag nrho cov nyiaj khwm tau los ntawm txhua qhov chaw ua hauj lwm ua nej thaum txiav se tawm.  Gross income kuj yog

  • nyiaj them rau tus neeg ua hauj lwm ntawm txhua txoj hauj lwm
  • cov nyiaj khwv tau ntawm koj lub lag luam (self-employment)
  • nyiaj them rau tus txij nkawm es tus qub txij nkawm them rau ib tug niam txiv (spousal maintenance (alimony))
  • tau tej qho nyiaj xiam oos qhab los ntawm tsoom fwv
  • cov nyiaj them los ntawm retirement or pension payments (tshwj tsi yog cov nyiaj SSI)
  • cov nyiaj them poob hauj lwm
  • lwm qhov nyiaj them ib ntus them ib zaug xws li nyiaj xauj tsev los yog nyiaj muaj paj (interest income)
  • nyiaj ua tub rog los yog qub tub rog

Feem ntau, cov nyiaj pab los ntawm tsoom fwv tsis muab suav tias yog cov nyiaj khwv tau thaum teev qhov nyiaj them yug menyuam (child support). Ntev zuj zus mus tej zauj yuav muab suav los tau. Yog tias ib tug niam txiv rov sib yuav nrog lwm tus, lub tsev hais plaub tsis suav ntawm cov nyiaj tus txij nkawm tshiab khwv tau.

Yuav ua cas yog ib tug niam txiv tsis muaj ib qho nyiaj khwv tau los li?

Tej thaum ob tug niam txiv mus ua tsis tau hauj lwm vim yog lawv quav yeeb quav tshuaj, muaj mob puas hlwb, los yog muaj ib qho xiam oos qab. Rau tej rooj zoo li no, ob tug niam txiv yuav tsis hais kom nkawd them qhov nyiaj them yug menyuam (child support) tshwj tsis yog tias lawv muaj ib qho nyiaj los qhov twg los. Tus niam txiv es muaj qhov xiam oos qhab yuav tsum tau muaj cov keeb kwm ntaub ntawv kho mob thiab lwm yam ntaub ntawv qhia kom muaj pov thawj qhia tias lawv yeej us tsis taus hauj lwm.

Tej thaum tus niam txiv tsum tsis ua lawv txoj hauj lwm, los yog ua txoj hauj lwm es them tsawm zog, los yog tsis ua hauj lwm vim muaj lwm yam. Tej cov niam txiv zoo li no kuj yuav tau txiav txim koj yuav tsum tau them qhov nyiaj them yug menyuam (child support) raws li qhov lawv muaj peev xwm khwv tau nyiaj. Qhov no hu ua “Potential Income.” Potential income yuav teev raws li niam txiv qhov keeb kwm khwv tau nyiaj yav tag los, los yog, thaum tsis yog keeb khwm ib txwm khwv tau nyiaj, qhov nyiaj khwm tau no muab teev raws li qhov nyiaj neeg khwv tau tsawg tshaj plaws ntawm ib xuaj moo es yog ua hauj lwm 30 xuaj moo ntawm ib lub lim tiam twg. 

Yuav ua cas yog ib tug niam txiv khwv tsis tau nyiaj ntau npaum cas?

Thaum laij tau qhov nyiaj them yug menyuam (child support) tias them ntau npaum cas, kuj yuav muab xam qhov es cov nyiaj tus niam txiv tau them nyiaj yug menyuam yuav tsum tau tseg rau nws them lwm yam nuj nqis ntawm lawv tus kheej. Qhov no hu ua self-support reserve. Qho nyiaj yug tus kheej ceev tseg yog 120% los ntawm tsoom fwv qhov txheej txheem rau ib tug neeg faib rau 12. Qhov nyiaj no muab rho tawm ntawm qhov Parental Income for Determining Child Support (“PICS”) ntawm tus niam txiv uas them nyiaj yug menyuam (tus tau them). Qhov nyiaj yug-tus kheej ceev tseg tamsis no yog $1458 tauj ib hlis, tiam sis tus naj npawb no hloov txhua xyoo.

Yuav kom paub seb qhov nyiaj ceev tseg rau tus kheej self-support reserve muaj kev cuam tshuam li cas rau qhov nyiaj them yug menyuam npaum cas, muab qhov nyiaj ceev tseg rau tus kheej self-support reserve luv tawm ntawm qhov nyiaj tus niam txiv khwv tau PICS. Yog tias tus lej no tsawg dua li qhov daim ntawv teev qhia (guideline) tau hais tias tus niam txiv yuav tsum tau them qhov nyiaj yug menyuam (child support), nyiaj pab nqi zov tus menyuam, thiab nyiaj pab them daim ntawv kho mob tag nrho los tso uake, qhov nqi them yug menyuam (child support) yuav muab txo kom tus niam txiv ceev tau qhov nyiaj ceev tseg rau tus kheej self-support reserve.

Yog tias tus niam txiv qhov nyiaj lawv khwv tau qis dua li qhov nyiaj ceev tseg rau tus kheej self-support reserve, tus niam txiv tsuas them qhov es them tsawg tshaj plaws ntawm qhov nyiaj them yug menyuam (child support)

  • yog muaj 1 tug menyuam: $50 tauj ib hli
  • yog muaj 2 tug menyuam: $60 tauj ib hli
  • yog muaj 3 tug menyuam: $70 tauj ib hli
  • yog muaj 4 tug menyuam: $80 tauj ib hli
  • yog muaj 5 tug menyuam: $90 tauj ib hli
  • yog muaj 6 tus menyuam: $100 tauj ib hli

Yog tus kws txiav txim hais kom tus niam txiv them qhov nyiaj hli yug menyuam teem tsawg tshaj, nws qhia tau tias tus niam txiv ntawm them tsis taus kho mob lossis zov menyuam.

Nco ntsoov: Yog ib tug niam txiv nyob qhov taub, xam hais tias lawv cov nyiaj yog xum thiab nws yuav tsis tau them.

Yuav ua cas tias ib tug niam txiv ho muaj lwm cov menyuam ntawm nws tus kheej thiab?

Cov menyuam ntawm ib tug niam txiv, tabsis tsis yog ob leeg li, ob tug niam txiv ntawm rooj plaub them nyiaj yug menyuam (child support) hu ua “non-joint children.” Cov menyuam Non-joint children yuav cuam tshuam qhov nyiaj them ntau thiab tsawg ntawm qhov nyiaj yug menyuam es tau txiav txim kom them. Yog ib tug niam txiv them nyiaj yug menyuam rau ib tug menyuam uas tsis yog muaj uake, qhov nyiaj hli yug menyuam ntawd yuav muab rho tawm ntawm tus niam txiv cov nyiaj khwv ua ntej txiav se. Yog ib tug niam txiv yeej tau yug ib tug menyuam tsis yog muaj uake raws li txoj cai, tiamsis tsis them nyiaj yug menyuam, ib tug niam txiv muaj feem tau qhov tsis yug menyuam uake txiav ua se. Ob tug niam txiv muaj feem tau qhov menyuam txiav ua se mus txog 6 tus menyuam ua tsis yog muaj uake. Qhov rho no muab tus niam txiv qhov nyiaj hli khwv ua ntej txiav se txo qis thaum los suav nyiaj yug menyuam hauv rooj plaub tshiab. 

Qhov kev muaj cai txiav txim siab rau tus menyuam (custody) muaj kev cuam tshuam li cas txog qhov nyiaj yug menyuam (child support)?

Muaj 2 qhov es yog rau tus menyuam nrog nyob (custody) hauv lub xeev Minnesota:

  1. Muaj cai txiav txim siab rau tus menyuam (Legal custody)
  2. Tus menyuam nrog nyob (Physical Custody)

Kuv muaj cai txiav txim rau tus menyuam (Legal custody) kuj hu tau tias “muaj kev txiav txim siab rau.”  Qhov no yog muab cov cai rau tus niam txiv kom nws txiav txim siab tau rau tej yam loj txog tus menyuam lub neej txoj sia, xws li:

  • tus menyuam mus kawm ntawv qhov twg
  • kab lig kev cai kev ntseeg ntuj
  • Kho mob loj

Lub tsev hais plaub kuj muab tau qhov kev muaj cai txiav txim siab rau tus menyuam rau ib leej los yog muab rau ob leeg tib si. Sib koom txiav txim siab (joint legal custody) txhais tau tias ob leeg niam txiv muaj vaj huam sib luag muaj cai tib yam nkaus los mus txiav txim siab thaum muaj tej yam loj. Nkawd ob leeg yuav tsum pom zoo thaum muaj kev txiav txim siab rau tej yam loj. Lub tsev hais plaub xum kom ob leeg sib koom txiav txim siab (joint legal custody), tshwj tsis yog tias ob leeg yeej koom tes tsis tau ua ke thaum muaj kev txiav txim siab los yog muaj kev sib ntaus ntawm khub niam txiv yav tag los lawm. Sole legal custody txhais tau tias tib ib leeg ntawm leej niam los yog leej txiv thiaj li muaj cai txiav txim siab thaum muaj tej yam loj.

Tau tus menyuam nrog nyob (Physical custody) txhais tias nrog tus menyuam nyob thiab muaj kev txiav txim siab txhua txhua hnub txog txoj kev tu tus menyuam. Sole physical custody txhais tau tias tus menyuam tsuas nyob nrog ib leeg niam los yog ib leeg txiv nkaus xwb. Joint physical custody txhais tias tus menyuam nyob nrog niam thiab txiv nkawd ob leeg thiab sib faib nyob ntawm txiv ib ntu hos nyob ntawm niam ib ntus. Tus menyuam sib faib nyob ntawm ob leej niam txiv tsis tau txhais hais tias nkawd ob leeg tau lub sij hawm sib npaug nyob nrog tus menyuam. Qhov sij hawm tsis tas yuav kom sib npaug es thiaj li hu tau tias sib faib nyob ntawm ob leej niam txiv (joint custody). Cov sij hawm ntawm niam txiv saib tus menyuam (Parenting time) thiaj yog qhov es tswj cov sij hawm seb pub ntau npaum li cas rau ib tug niam txiv nyob nrog tus menyuam.

Legal los yog physical custody tsis muaj kev cuam tshuam rau qhov nyiaj them yug menyuam (child support) ib qho li, qhov nyiaj them ntau thiab tsawg nyob ntawm kev txiav txim ntawm tsev hais plaub thiab lub sij hawm tus niam txiv tau saib tus menyuam ib tug niam txiv twg tau.

Cov sij hawm teev rau niam txiv saib tus menyuam (parenting time) muaj kev cuam tshuam li cas txog qhov nyiaj yug menyuam (child support)?

Thaum leej niam thiab leej txiv nkawd sib cais, lub tsev hais plaub feem ntau yeej xav kom ob leeg niam thiab txiv sib koom es nyob hauv tus menyuam lub neej. Cov sij hawm teem saib tus menyuam (parenting time) yog lub sij hawm rau leej niam txiv twg siv sij hawm nrog tus menyuam. Txawm tias tus niam txiv twg muaj cai txiav txim siab rau tus menyuam los yog hom kev muaj cai twg es tus menyuam yuav tsum tau nrog nyob. Cov sij hawm teem saib tus menyuam yog ib yam nkaus li saib tus menyuam.

Yog hais tias tus menyuam tsuas yog nyob nrog ib leej niam (mainly) los txiv nkaus xwb, tus niam tus txiv sab tov, (es hu ua “non-custodial parent”) kuj yuav tau cov sij hawm saib tus menyuam no los ntawm lub tsev hais plaub. Raws li feem ntau, tus niam txiv es tus menyuam tsis nrog nyob tau sij hawm li 25% ntawm cov sij hawm tus menyuam tuaj nrog nws nyob. Qhov no yeej suav cov hmo es tus menyuam tuaj nrog nws pw li ntawm 2 lub asthiv twg. Piv txwv, 25% sib luag li ob lub liam tiam twg ib zaug thiab ntxiv rau ib hmo ib lub lim tiam.

Yog tias tus niam txiv es tus menyuam tsis nrog nyob (non-custodial parent) tau txiav txim los ntawm lub tsev hais plaub tias nws tau cov sij hawm saib tus menyuam, lawv yuav tau txais qhov kho qhov nqi kho rau tus niam txiv parenting expense adjustment los ntawm lub tsev hais plaub thaum teev qhov nqi them qhov nqi pab yug menyuam (child support).  Qho nqi qis zog rau qhov nyiaj yug menyuam (child support) yuav muab kho kom haum ntawm cov sij hawm rau tus niam txiv es tus menyuam tsis nrog nyob (non-custodial parent) es saib tus menyuam thaum lub sij hawm pub rau nws saib (parenting time).  Qhov nqi kho rau tus niam txiv parenting expense adjustment mas muab luj los ntawm seb tus menyuam mus pw pes tsawg hmo ntawm nkawd ob leeg niam txiv ntawm ntev zog 2 lub xyoos.

Yog ib tug niam txiv ho tau cov sij hawm ntau dua lwm tus niam txiv ntawm tus menyuam es tsis yog tuaj pw ib hmos, lub tsev hais plaub yeej siv tau cov sij hawm ntawd ib yam li yog cov es pw ib hmo “overnight equivalent” tabsis lub tsev hais plaub qhov kev txiav txim mas yuav tsum tau sau cov lus ntawd kiag rau hauv kom thiaj li muab xam tau tias cov sij hawm ntawd yeej sib npaug ib yam li pw ib hmos (overnight).

Qhov tseem ceeb koj Nco tau txog kev teev kom them nqi yug tus nyuam (Child Support Orders) ua ntej lub Yim Hlis Ntuj Hnub tim 1, 2018.
Yog tias qhov nyiaj teev kom them nqi yug tus nyuam (Child Support Orders) ua ntej lub Yim Hlis Ntuj Hnub tim 1, 2018, qhov kho qhov nqi kho rau tus niam txiv parenting expense adjustment yuav muab kho raws percentage es tsis yog raws li cov hmo es tuaj pw ib hmo. Qhov no txhais tias yog lub tsev hais plaub txiav txiav txim rau koj kom tau lub sij hawm saib tus menyuam li 10-45% ntawm cov sij hawm (los yog 2-6 hmos li ntawm 2 lub lim tiam), koj yuav tau qhov kev qhov kho qhov nyiaj rau tus niam txiv parenting expense adjustment ib yam.

Pib thaum lub Yim Hli Ntuj Hnub tim 1, 2018, qhov kev qhov kho qhov nyiaj rau tus niam txiv parenting expense yog teev los ntawm cov hmo es tuaj pw ib hmos. Yog li ntawd yim pw ntau hmo ntawm ib xyoos twg, ces qhov nyiaj them los ntawm tus obligors yuav qis zog ntawm qhov nyiaj them yug tus menyuam (child support). Koj yeej pom tau seb qhov kev hloov ntawm cov cai lij choj no puas hloov qhov nyiaj them yug menyuam (child support) es yog siv daim ntawv cob qhia (guidelines) los laij hauv (http://childsupportcalculator.dhs.state.mn.us/) (lus Askiv xwb) los yog nrog ib tug neeg ua hauj lwm pab rau kev them nyiaj yug menyuam tham.

Yog tias qhov kev txiav txim yeej hloov ntau tshaj 20% thiab $75, koj yeej nug kom lub tsev hais plaub kho (hloov) qhov kev txiav txim kom koj them. Saib “Hloov qhov nyiaj hli yug menyuam (child support) es twb yeej muaj lawm” ntawm Tshooj 5 kom paub tias yuav hloov qhov kev txim txog qhov nyiaj koj them yug menyuam li cas.

Nyiaj pab them zov menyuam ntau thiab tsawg ho paub tau li cas?

Yog hais tias ob leej niam txiv them neeg zov menyuam es kom nkawd thiaj li mus kawm tau ntawv, los yog mus ua tau hauj lwm, qhov nqi ntawm qhov zov menyuam yuav tau muab faib rau ob leeg them. Yog ob tug niam txiv pom zoo, lossis tus kws txiav txim plaub hais kom ua li, ib tug niam txiv muaj feem zov tus menyuam thaum tus niam txiv tod ub mus ua haujlwm lossis kawm ntawv.

Thawj kauj ruam teeb kom tau qhov nyiaj them yug menyuam (child support) yog laij kom paub seb koj them li cas rau ib tug menyuam ntawm ib lub hlis. Cov nyiaj them kuj siab qis tau thaum lub xyoo, tshwj xeeb yog thaum cov menyuam mus kawm ntawv. Tus niam txiv es them nyiaj zov tus menyuam yuav tsum tau muaj pov thawj qhia kom pom txog cov nqi them los yog cov nuj nqi (bills). Cov ntaub ntawv no yuav siv los mus laij kom paub tias qhov nqi zov menyuam yuav yog thaj tsam li puas tsawg. 

Piv txwv, yog ib tug niam txiv them $200 ntawm ib lub hlis twg rau qhov zov menyuam thaum lub caij lawv kawm ntawv thiab $400 ib lub hli thaum lub caij ntuj sov (summer), qhov nqi muab xam tias ib hlis no them li thaj tsam $250.

   9 lub hlis X$200 = $1,800
   3 lub hlis X4200 = $1,200
Tag nrho ib xyoos = $3,000

$3,000 ntawm ib xyoos ÷ 12 lub hlis = $250 yog tus nqi them thaj tsam txhua lub hlis.

Tus niam txiv sab tod feem ntau them ib qho nyiaj es tau teev tseg rau qhov nqi zov menyuam.  Nws yuav them tib tug nqi txhua lub hlis txawm tias qhov nqi zov menyuam txawv lawm. Tus niam txiv es them rau qhov chaw zov menyuam yuav tsum saib xyuas cov nyiaj them nqi zov menyuam kom zoo kom thiaj kav cov hli thaum tus nqi nce siab, xws li thaum lub caij ntuj sov.

Faib Nqi Zov Menyuam Rau Ob Tug Niam Txiv
Tsis yog tag nrho cov nqi zov menyuam muab faib rau ob leeg niam txiv. Tsuas yog cov nqi uas niam txiv mus ua haujwm lossis mus kawm ntawv thiaj li muab faib xwb. Piv txwv, yog ib tug niam txiv txiav txim tawm mus noj mov tom chaw no mov thiab tso cov menyuam rau ib tug neeg zov, tus niam txiv sab tod yuav tsis pab them qhov nqi zo menyuam no rau tus neeg zov menyuam. 

Teem nyiaj them zov menyuam, Minnesota cov txheej txheem muab cov nyiaj zov menyuam faib ua ntej raws li ntawm ib tug niam txiv cov feem pua nyiaj khwv tau los uas suav ua ke ob niam txiv qhov nyiaj khwv tau los tagnrho. Ces mas li kwv yees niam tixv cov se rau them nyiaj zov menyuam. Saib “Qhov nyiaj yug menyuam (child support) tau ntau tau tsawg yog paub tau li cas?” nyob ntawm Tshooj 2 yog xav paub ntxiv.                                                                                                         

Tej zaum tus niam txiv them nyiaj zov menyuam muaj feem ua tau state thiab federal se. Yog li ntawd Minnesota cov txheej txheem suav cov se txim rho tawm no thaum los suav seb ib tug niam txiv them nyiaj hli yug menyuam npaum li cas.

Yuav ua cas yog tias Kuv them tsis taus qhov nqi zov menyuam?

Them qhov nqi zov menyuam kuj yuav nyuaj rau leej niam thiab leej txiv. Yog hais tias koj yog cov niam txiv es khwv tau nyiaj tsawg thiab koj tus menyuam yeej nrog koj nyob xwb, koj kuj yuav tau kev pab los ntawm tsoom fwm kom them cov nqi zov menyuam. Koj yeej ua ntaub ntawv thov tau kev pab nyiaj them nqi zov menyuam ntawm koj lub zos county qhov chaws ua hauj lwm rau child support office. Yog tias koj tau nyiaj MFIP los ntawm tsoom fwv thiab qhov nqi zov menyuam yog qhov ua rau koj mus tsis tau hauj lwm, nrog tus neeg tuav koj cov ntaub ntawv tham. Koj lub tswv yim npaj mus ua hauj lwm kuj  yuav tsum kom muaj kev pab them nqi zov menyuam.

Yog tias tus niam txiv sab tov tau nyiaj pab them nqi zov menyuam (subsidy) los ntawm tsoom fwv, qhov nyiaj them nqi zov menyuam es koj them mus ncaj qha rau lub lav tsis yog them rau tus niam txiv sab tod.  Yog tias koj them tsis taus, nug kom lub tsev hais plaub txo kom qis los yog “reserve” qhov nyiaj kom them rau qhov nqi zov menyuam. Tuav cia los yog reserving qhov nqi them tsis txhais tias koj tsis tas them dabtsi tam sim no tabsis lub tsev hais plaub kuj  yuav kom koj them ib yam dabtsi yav tom ntej no yog tias lub zos county los yog tus niam txiv sab tod ua ntaub ntawv kom muaj ib qhov txhim kho (motion).

Yuav ua cas yog qhov nqi them zov menyuam hloov los yog kuv cov menyuam tsis nyob ntawv qhov chaw zov menyuam lawm?

Tiv tauj koj tus neeg ua hauj lwm saib xyuas cov nyiaj koj them mus yug cov menyuam (child support worker). Yog hais tias tus nqi them zov menyuam hloov ntau heev lossis koj tus menyuam tsis mus ib lub khooskas zov menyuam lawm, yuav tsum qhia rau koj tus neeg ua haujlwm hauv chaw them nyiaj hli yug menyuam paub txog qhov kev hloov ntawd. Tej zaum koj mus ua tau ntawv hloov nyiaj hli yug menyuam hauv tsev hais plaub. 

Saib “Hloov qhov nyiaj hli yug menyuam (child support) es twb yeej muaj lawm” ntawm Tshooj 5 kom paub cov ntaub ntawv qhia txog hloov qhov kev txiav txim ntawm qhov kev them nyiaj yug menyuam (child support order).

Nyiaj pab them daim ntawv kho mob them ntau them tsawg paub tau li cas?

Pab them daim ntawv kho mob (Medical support) txhais tias muaj daim ntawv kho mob thiab daim ntawv kuaj hniav rau tus menyuam. Ib tug niam txiv twg them ib qho nqi ntawm daim ntawv kho mob.  Medical support kuj ho txhais tau tias muab cov nuj nqi ntawm kev kho mob thiab kuaj hniav no faib rau nkawd ob leeg them thaum daim ntawv kho mob no them tsis tag.  Ob tug niam txiv yeej yuav txiav txiv rau nkawd ob leeg kom yuav tsum muaj daim ntawv kho mob.

Yog ob tug niam txiv yeej muaj daim ntawv kho mob thiab daim ntawv kuaj hniav pem lawv qhov chaw ua hauj lwm los yog union, tus neeg txiav txim los yog tus magistrate yuav txiav txim koj tus niam txiv uas muaj daim ntawv kho mob zoo zog muaj rau tus menyuam. Yog tias ib leeg ntawm ob tug niam txiv muaj daim ntawv kho mob xwb, tus neeg txiav txim los yog tus magistrate yuav txiav txim koj tus niam txiv ntawd muaj daim ntawv kho mob rau tus menyuam. Tabsis qhov nqi them kom muaj daim ntawv kho mob no muab faib rau ob leeg them. Qhov nqi them tias ib tug them li cas mas nyob ntawm qhov nyiaj nkawd khwv tau.

Tej thaum, ob tug niam txiv yuav tsis tau ntaub ntawv kho mob peb chaw ua hauj lwm. Los yog, cov ntaub ntawv kho mob pem chaw ua hauj lwm kim dhau. Muaj ntau yam kuj tshwm sim tau rau tej rooj zoo li no. Yog tais tus neeg txiav txim los yog tus magistrate xav tias ob tug niam txiv yeej them taus, lawv yuav txiav txiv hais kom ib tug niam txiv yuav tsum tau yuav thiab them kom muaj daim ntawv kho mob los yog ntawm cov chaw (private medical insurance) rau tus menyuam. Tabsis, txoj cai hais tias ib tug niam txiv tsuas txiav txiv hais kom nws them nyiaj kom muaj daim ntawv kho mob yog tias nws muaj nyiaj txaus ua li ntawd.

Yog tias tsis muaj daim ntawv kho mob qhov twg li thiab tus menyuam kuj ho tsim nyog txais kev pab them daim ntawv kho mob los ntawm tsoom fwv, Medical Assistance (MA) los yog Minnesota Care. Cov no yog cov kev pab los ntawm tsoom fwv es pab them cov nqi kho mob.

Yog koj ntseeg tias tus menyuam tsim nyog txais kev pab them daim ntawv kho mob los ntawm tsoom fwv (Medical Assistance), hu rau Minnesota Child Support Information tu xovtooj mus nrhiav seb yuav mus ua ntawv thov qhov twg rau cov khooskas no. Kom tau tus xov tooj nyob ze koj hu rau (651) 431-4400.

Yog tias koj yog tus niam txiv es tus menyuam tsis nrog nyob non-custodial parent thiab qhov nyiaj lub tsev hais plaub txiav txim kom koj them yug tus menyuam, them nqi zov menyuam, thiab them nqi rau daim ntawv kho mob ua rau kom cov nyiaj tsawg tshaj li qhov nyiaj tseg rau koj them nuj nqi (self-support reserve), qhia rau tus neeg txiav txim los yog tus magistrate kom lawv thiaj kho tau qhov nyiaj kom koj them.

Yog tias tus menyuam tau nyiaj los ntawm tsoom fwv pab them rau daim ntawv kho mob (Medical Assistance benefits), tus niam ntxiv es raug them obligor kuj yuav txiav txim kom nws yuav tsum tau them ib qho nyiaj ntawm ib lub hlis twg mus rau qhov nqi rau daim ntawv kho mob. Qhov nqi yuav them ntau npaum cas yog siv qhov sliding fee scale los laij. Tabsis yog tus niam ntxiv es raug them obligor kuj tau daim ntawv pab them nqi kho mob los ntawm tsoom fwv thiab, tus niam txiv ntawd tsis tas them qhov nqi pab them rau daim ntawv kho mob.

Tus neeg txiav txim los yog tus magistrate faib cov nqi kho mob thiab nqi kuaj hniav rau tus menyuam es daim ntawv kho mob ntawm tsoom fwv them tsis tas es faib rau nkawd ob leeg them. Feem nyiaj uas ib tug niam txiv them yog nyob ntawm cov nyiaj nws khwv tau los. 

Yog hais tias tsis muaj isalas kho mob lawm lossis tus nqi hloov ntau heev qhia rau koj tus neeg ua haujlwm hauv qhov chaw them nyiaj hli yug menyuam. Yog daim ntawv them nyiaj hli yug menyuam luv tshaj peb xyoo, tus kws txiav txim kho (hloov) tau qhov them nyiaj kho mob thiab/lossis tus nqi ua se rau menyuam. Tus kws txiav txim ua tau li no tsis tas kom cov niam txiv muab pov thawj tshiab txog nyiaj khwv tau los.

Tiam sis, yog hais tias tus kws txiav txim tsis tau saib xyuas daim ntawv them nyiaj hli yug menyuam tsawg kawg peb xyoos tas los, tus kws txiav txim yuav rov saib dua niam txiv cov nyiaj khwv los thiab tej zaum mam li txiav txim seb puas yuav hloov tej qho ntawm daim ntawv, xws li nyiaj hli yug menyuam. Saib “Hloov qhov nyiaj hli yug menyuam (child support) es twb yeej muaj lawm” nyob rau ntawv Tshooj 5 muaj qhia ntxiv txog yuav hloov daim ntawv them nyiaj yug menyuam li cas.     

Qhov 6 Lub Hlis Rov Qab Saib Dua

Yog tias ib tug niam txiv twg tsis ua raws li kev txiav txim tau hais kom them qhov nyiaj yug menyuam (child support) tus niam txiv sab tod kuj nug kom muaj rooj sab laj rov saib dua. Koj yuav tau nug kom muaj qhov rov qab saib dua thawm thawj 6 lub hlis. Nws tsis yog cia li muaj rau koj. Daim ntawv thov kom yuav tsum muaj qhov kev rov qab saib dua no muaj nyob nram qab ntawm daim ntawv txiv txim tau hais kom them qhov nyiaj yug menyuam (child support). Koj kuj nrhiav tau ib daim ntawv no hauv lub vas sab ntawm lub tsev hais plaub:

  • Mus hauv www.mncourts.gov
  • Nias “Get Forms”
  • Nias “Child Support”
  • Txav mus rau thiab nias “Motion for Review” under Form/Packet Name
  • Nqus ib daim ntawv zuj zus ntawm daim ntawv teev qhia tawm los

Thaum mus ntawm rooj sab laj (hearing), lub tsev hais plaub mam saib ob tog seb nkawd puas ua raws li cov cai nyob hauv daim ntawv txiav txim thiab daim ntawv nrauj Judgment and Decree txog nyiaj them pab yug menyuam (child support), seb leej twg muaj cai txiav txim siab rau tus menyuam los yog cov sij hawm rau niam txiv saib tus menyuam. Lub tsev hais plaub hloov tsis tau cov kev txiav txim hauv daim ntawv tabsis muaj peev xwm rau txim rau tus niam txiv vim nws tsis ua raws li daim ntawv txiav txim. 

Tshooj 3: Koom tes nrog lub zos county qhov chaw Child Support Services?

Lub zos county qhov chaw Child Support Services

Ib tug niam txiv yeej ua ntaub ntawv thov kom lub chawv ua hauj lwm hauv lawv lub zos child support office kom pab lawv tau qhov nyiaj them yug menyuam txawm tias lawv tsis tau kev pab nyiaj los ntawm tsoom fwv. 

Thaum ib tug niam txiv uas tsis tau nyiaj pab los ntawm nom tswv mus ua ntawv thov kev pab rau nyiaj hli yug menyuam, khaws cia 2% ntawm cov nyiaj kev tau los ua ib tug nqi. Tus nqi no ntxiv nrog rau tus nqi them txhua xyoo. Yog tus txias nyiaj thov kev pab, rho tawm qhov 2% ntawm qhov nyiaj hli yug menyuam kev tau los. Yog tus them nyiaj hli yug menyuam thov kev pab, ntxiv qhov 2% rau tus niam txiv kev los ntawm tus niam txiv ntawd. Lub xeev khaws qhov nqi 2% – tsis yog them rau tus niam txiv tom ub. Yog ib tug niam txiv twg tsis xav them qhov 2%, lawv kuj xaiv tau qhov es muab rooj plaub them qhov nyiaj them yug menyuam (child support) no kaw – tabsis li ntawd ces lawv yuav tsum tau sau qhov nyiaj them yug menyuam (child support) no ntawm lawv tus kheej.

Yog tus niam txiv es ua ntawv thov kev pab los ntawm child support services tsis tau nyiaj los ntawm ntawm tsoom fwv, thiab sau tau nyiaj ntau tshaj li $550 ntawm cov nyiaj them yug menyuam (child support), tus niam txiv no yuav tsub tus nqi yog $35 tauj ib xyoos. 

Yog ib tug niam txiv xav tau kev pab los ntawm child support services  kom muab kev pab txhij txhua, lub chaw ua hauj lwm child support services pab tus niam txiv:

  • Hais kom lub tsev hais plaub txiv txim kom tau qhov nyiaj them yug menyuam (child support)
  • Teem tsa kom muaj tus leeg txiv es raug cai yog tias ob tug niam txiv tsis sib yuav yav tag los thaum yug tus menyuam thiab lawv tsis tau koj npe rau daim ntawv Recognition of Parentage (ROP) 
  • nrhiav kom tau tus niam txiv uas yuav tsum tau them qhov nyiaj them yug menyuam (child support)
  • sau qhov nyiaj them yug menyuam (child support) los yog nrhiav teeb meem rau cov niam txiv es tsis kam them nyiaj, thiab
  • Hloov qhov kev txiav txim txog qhov nyiaj them yug menyuam (child support order)

Ib tug niam txiv uas ua ntawv thov kev pab los ntawm child support services yeej xaiv tau “income withholding only.”  Nyob rau qhov kev pab no, lub zos county tsuas muaj feem xyuam sau kom tau cov nyiaj xwb. Nws tsis teev, hloov, los yog tswj kom yuav tsum tau ua raws li qhov txiav txim tias them nyiaj npaum cas ntawm daim ntawv. Koj yuav tsum tau nqa cov ntaub ntawv txog ceev tej nyiaj khwv tau income withholding mus rau lwm tus niam txiv qhov chaw hauj lwm ntawm koj tus kheej. Qhov nqi tsub rau qhov kev ua li no yog $15 tauj ib lub hlis thiab tsub rau tus neeg obligor. 

Kom paub ntau dua txog cov ntaub ntawv txog kev pab child support services, nyeem lub xeev daim ntawv qhia tseeb, “Explanation of child support (IV-D) and income withholding-only (Non-IV-D) services in Minnesota” ntawm qhov link no https://edocs.dhs.state.mn.us/lfserver/Public/DHS-2973-HMN.  

Thaum lub zos county qhib ib tug menyuam cov ntaub ntawv thov kom tau qhov nyiaj them yug menyuam (child support), tus niam txiv es tau txais qhov nyiaj them rau yuav muab ib tug lej cim es nws yog tug neeg koom thiab muaj ib tuj lej PIN kom nws thiaj li nkag rau mus hauv lub xeev qhov chaw them nyiaj (payment system), hu ua Minnesota Child Support Online.” Thaum lub tsev hais pluab txiav txim rau qhov nyiaj them yug menyuam, tus niam txiv es them qhov nyiaj yug menyuam yeej tau lawv ib tug lej cim PIN kom nkag tau rau qhov system. Ib tug niam txiv twg yeej siv tau lawv tus lej cim PIN kom muab tau cov ntaub ntawv qhia txog lawv cov ntaub ntawv 24 xuaj moo tauj ib hnub. Koj yeej paub tau txog tias koj tiv cov nyiaj yug menyuam (child support) ntau npaum cas, hnub twg yog hnub koj them zaum tag los no, lub npe thiab tus xov tooj ntawm tus neeg ua hauj lwm rau qhov sau nyiaj them yug menyuam (child support worker). 

Muaj 2 txoj hauv kev kom nrhiav tau cov ntaub ntawv no:

  1. Koj yuav mus saib tau hauv onlin ntawm http://www.childsupport.dhs.state.mn.us/Action/Welcome (lus Askiv xwb)
  2. Koj kuj muab tau cov ntaub ntawv no es yog hu xov tooj rau State’s Integrated Voice Response System (IVR System). Thaum koj hu, koj yuav tsum tau muaj koj tus lej cim social security los yog tus lej cim es koj yog tug neeg koom thiab tuj lej PIN nab npawb. Nyob hauv zos loj (Metro Area), hu rau tus xovtooj them nyiaj thiab qhia txog ntaub ntawv ntawm (651) 215-5630, lossis 800-657-3890. Cov neeg tsis hno lus zoo lossis xiam oob qhab hais tsis tau lus ces ntau 711 rau Minnesota Relay TTY lossis siv lawv qhov kev nyiam pab cuam sib tham.

Yuav siv sij hawm ntev npaum cas kom teev tau Child support services?

Muab kom tau daim ntawv Thov
Lub chaw ua hauj lwm hauv lub zos child support office yuav tsum tau muab cov ntawv sau mus thov kev pab rau ib tug niam txiv twg es nws nug txog. Yog koj mus nqa daim ntawv no tim ntsej tim muag lawv yuav tsum tau muab rau koj hnub ntawd. Yog tias koj sau ntawv los yog hu xov tooj, lawv muaj 5 hnub xav cov ntawv tuaj rau koj. 

Pib daim ntawv thov
Lub zos county yuav tsum tau pib ua cov ntaub ntawv thiab txiav txim txog cov kauj ruam ntawm cov ntaub ntawv thov kev pab kom tau nyiaj them yug menyuam li cas tsis pub dhau 20 hnub thaum lawv tau txais daim ntawv thov kev pab. 

Nrhiav kom tau kev txiav txim kom them nyiaj yug tus menyuam
Thaum twg lub zos county paub tias lwm tus niam txiv yog leej twg thiab nws nyob qhov twg, lub zos county muaj 90 hnub hais kom lub tsev hais plaub txiav txim kom muaj qhov nyiaj them yug tus menyuam (child support) los yog nqa daim ntawv raug cai mus rau lwm tus niam txiv.

Qhia kom paub txog kev them nyiaj
Txhua txhua lub hlis lub chaw ua hauj lwm child support office yuav tsum tau xav ib daim ntawv ceeb toom qhia thaum twg lawv tau txais qhov nyiaj them thiab yuav muab cov nyiaj faim tawm li cas.

Piv txwv, daim ntawv ceeb toom yuav tsum qhia koj

  • sau tau nyiaj ntau npaum cas
  • xa nyiaj npaum cas tuaj rau koj lawm
  • Thiab lub chaw ua hauj lwm child support office txiav npaum cas rau lawv.

Xa Cov Nyiaj Yug Tus Menyuam Tuaj
Lub zos county muaj 2 hnub (cov hnub ua hauj lwm) tom qab lawv txais tau cov nyiaj es yuav tsum tau xa mus rau tus niam txiv.

Qee zaus lub zos county tau cov nyiaj them yug menyuam los ntawm cov se “tax intercept.” Nyob rau ntawm qhov se “tax intercept” lub tuam tsev ua se Internal Revenue Service (IRS) los yog lub tuam tsev the Minnesota Department of Revenue ceev cov nyiaj ib tug niam txiv ua se es tau nyiaj se rov qab coj los them qhov nqi yug menyuam (child support). Yog tias qhov nyiaj es ua se tau raug ceev lawm (tax intercept) lub zos county muaj 30 hnub tom qab lawv txais tau qhov nyiaj yuav tsum tau muab xa tawm, fee ntau. Saib hauv “Txeeb ib tug niam txiv cov se nws ua tau los them qhov nyiaj yug menyuam (child support) (Tax Intercept)” ntawm Tshooj 6 kom paub ntau dua. Yog tias ib tug niam txiv ho nyob txawv lav, lub zos county muaj 15 hnub ntxiv ua ntej lawv yuav tsum tau xa qhov nyiaj mus. 

Qhia kom paub koom tes nrog lub chaw ua hauj lwm child support office

Nws yog ib qho tseem ceeb kom nco ntsoov tias lub chaw ua hauj lwm child support office (thiab lub chaw ua hauj lwm ntawm tus kws lij choj hauv lub zos County Attorney's office) tsis yog koj tus kws lij choj.  Lub luag haum lwm ntawm lub chaw ua hauj lwm child support office yog pab muab kom tau qhov nyiaj them yug cov menyuam (child support). Lub chaw ua hauj lwm child support office yuav pab ob tog niam txiv – tus es tau txais thiab tus es them qhov nyiaj yug menyuam. Yog koj xav tias koj yuav tsum muaj ib tug kws lij choj los pab rau koj sab nkaus xwb, koj yuav tsum tau ntiav ib tug. Hu rau koj lub hoobkas legal aid hauv zos ntawm 1 (877) 696-6529. 

Yog koj xav tias lub chaw ua hauj lwm child support office leg dej num tsis tiav raws sij hawm ntawm koj cov ntaub ntawv, koj yuav tsum tau qhia rau tus neeg ua hauj lwm child support worker txog qhov no. Yog tus neeg ua hauj lwm child support worker tsis ua hauj lwm zoo los teb koj cov lus nug, koj yuav tsum tau tiv tauj nws tus nai saib nws txoj hauj lwm. 

Yog tus nai kho tsis tau qhov teebmeem:

  • Sau ib daim ntawv mus rau tus thawj saib xyuas hauv lub chaw ua haujlwm child support them nyiaj hli yug menyuam (IV-D). Qhia kom meej seb qhov IV-D Unit tau ua txhaum thiab vim li cas. Qhia koj chaw nyob, hnub tim thiab koj tus case naj npawb. Luam ib daim cia rau koj tus kheej. 
  • Yog tsis piav qhov teebmeem lossis tsis kho li ntawm 30 hnub, sau ib daim ntawv mus rau:      

Minnesota Child Support Division
c/o Department of Human Services
PO Box 64946
St. Paul, MN 55164-0946

Yuav ua cas yog tias kuv hu tus neeg pab leg hauj lwm kom tau qhov nyiaj yug menyuam (child support) tabsis kuv tsis hnov nws hu kuv rov qab?

Koj tus neeg ua hauj lwm child support worker muaj qee yam dej num nws yuav tsum tau ua, thiab nws tseem ceeb heev kom nkag siab tias cov dej num no yog dabtsi tiag tiag. Ua twb zoo nyeem “Lub zos county qhov chaw Child Support Services” nyob pib ntawm tshooj no, kom koj thiaj li paub tseeb txog qhov dej num lawv ua ntawm lub zos county. 

Nco ntsoov tias koj tus neeg ua hauj lwm child support worker tsis yog ib tug counselor, los yog ib tug kws lij choj, los yog lub tsev hais plaub. Tsis txhob vam kom lawv ua tej yam es lawv tsis muaj peev xwm ua tau. 

Ib tug neeg ua hauj lwm child support worker ua tsis tau:

  • pab koj nrog cov teeb meeb txog seb tus niam txiv twg yog tus muaj cai txiav txim siab rau tus menyuam (custody) los yog cov sij hawm saib tus menyuam
  • kom lub tsev hais plaub hauv koj lub zos maj nroos rau koj rooj plaub
  • kom hloov qhov kev txiav txim ntawm qhov nyiaj them yug menyuam (child support order) yam lub tsev hais plaub tsis tau txiav txim
  • muab koj cov ntaub ntawv qhia txog koj rau lwm tus niam txiv qhov chaw ua hauj lwm, qhov chaw nyob los yog qhia cov lus tau sib tham hauv xov tooj
  • kom hloov txoj cai lij choj
  • kom pab koj txog koj cov teeb meem ntawm koj ntiag tug es koj muaj nrog lwm tus niam txiv

Thaum koj hu rau koj tus neeg ua hauj lwm child support officer los yog muaj teem caij mus ntsib, muab koj cov ntaub ntawv thiab koj cov lus nug teeb npaj kom zoo. Sau cov lus nug kom ua ib nqi lus nug zuj zus. Tus neeg ua hauj lwm child support officer ua hauj lwm nrog ntau tus neeg heev. Yog tias tus neeg ua hauj lwm child support officer yuav tsum tau hu xov tooj rau koj, qhia rau nws paub tias lub sij hawm twg yog lub sij hawm zoo hu tau koj. 

Tshooj 4: Pib rooj plaub qhov nyiaj yug tus menyuam (child support): Txheej Txheem Kom sai li sai tau (The Expedited Child Support Process)

Qhov Txheej Txheem Kom tau qhov nyiaj yug menyuam sai li sai tau (The Expedited Child Support Process)

Lub xeev Minnesota muaj ib qho txheej txheem tshwj xeeb los mus saib xyuas cov plaub hais kom tau cov nyiaj them yug menyuam hu ua "expedited child support process." Qhov txheej txheem no tiag tiag mas yog ua koj yooj yim siv thiab kom txhob siv sij hawm ntev ntev thiab kom qhov kev txiav txim rau qhov nyiaj yug menyuam kom zoo tib yam. 

Ntawm qhov txheej txheem hu ua expedited child support process, cov niam txiv yeej ua raws li qhov kev cov qhia (guideline) thiab pom zoo tau rau qhov es yuav tsum kom them nyiaj puas tsawg yug menyuam (child support). Yog tias cov niam txiv tsis muaj kev pom zoo, feem ntau ntawm cov zos counties yeej muaj ib qho kev sab laj nrog tus neeg txiav txim “Child Support Magistrate.” Nyob rau ntawm tej lub zos counties ib tug neeg txiav txim los mus mloog rooj plaub.

Qhov txheej txheem hu ua expedited child support process yuav tsum tau siv yog tias qhov kev pab koj kom tau qhov nyiaj them yug menyuam yog pab los ntawm lub zos county THIAB qhov teeb meem muaj ntawm koj rooj plaub tsuas yog:

  • nyiaj them yug menyuam (child support)
  • nyiaj pab them daim ntawv kho mob (medical support)
  • nyiaj pab them nqi zov menyuam
  • nyiaj cais ua se ntawm txhua tus neeg yug/nyiaj ua se rho tawm rau menyuam
  • ntswj kom them nyiaj yug tus txij nkawm, yog tias muab tso uake nrog qhov nyiaj them yug menyuam (child support)

Qee lub zos kuj siv qhov txheej txheem hu ua expedited child support process rau

  • thaum sib hais seb leej twg yog leej txiv raug cai (paternity)
  • tsis kam them qhov nyiaj them yug menyuam (child support) es tau txiav txim kom them

Koj siv tsis tau tus txheej txheem ua sai sai yog hais tias koj xav kom tus kws txiav txim plaub txiav txim rau lwm yam teebmeem xws li:  

  • sib hais seb tus niam txiv twg muaj cai txiav txim siab rau tus menyuam, los yog txog cov sib hawm rau niam txiv saib tus menyuam (sib xyuas)
  • txij nkawm sib ntaus
  • teeb meem txog khoom vaj tse (property)

Pib Qhov Txheej Txheem Kom tau qhov nyiaj yug menyuam sai li sai tau (Expedited Child Support Process)

Yuav kom pib tau qhov txheej txheem no, tus niam txiv twg los tau yuav tsum tau sau ntawv mus thov kev pab rau lub chaw ua hauj lwm child support office. Hu lub chaw ua hauj lwm ntawm koj lub zos county kom tau lub chaw nyob seb koj yuav xa daim ntawv mus rau qhov chaw twg. Yuav kom koj tiv tauj tau koj lub zos county lub chaw ua hauj lwm child support office hu rau (651) 431-4400, los yog mus saib hauv Department of Human Services website

Yog hais tias lub chaw ua hauj lwm child support office tsis kam pab koj thaum koj xav kom lawv pab koj, nrog ib tug kws lij choj tham. Tej zaum koj muaj feem tau ib tug kws lijchoj dawb pab koj. Hu koj lub legal aid hoobkas ntawm 1 (877) 696-6529.

NCO NTSOOV: qhov txheej txheem hu ua child support expedited no nws muaj nws ib co cai hauv lub tsev hais plaub.  Phau ntawv no tsuas muab ib co tswv yim dav dav txog qhov txheej txheem ntawd xwb.  Tabsis, yog koj pib los yog teb rau ib rooj plaub, koj yuav tsum saib kom zoo kom koj ua tej yam kom raug.  Muaj cov ntaub ntawv ntau yeej nrhiav tau ntawm lub tsev hais plaub lub vas sab, http://www.mncourts.gov/Help-Topics/Child-Support.aspx (lus Askiv xwb).

Ib rooj plaub txog nyiaj yug tus menyuam (child support) pib nrog qhov nqa (serve) ib daim ntawv raug cai rau lwm tus niam txiv hu ua Summons and Complaint. Daim ntawv tsis txaus siab no muaj cov ntaub ntawv qhia meej tseeb txog cov nyiaj ob tug niam txiv khwv tau thiab cov nuj nqis nkawd them. Lwm tus niam txiv kuj raug muab “served” daim ntawv request for hearing form thiab a supporting affidavit ntawm lwm tus niam txiv thiab muab xa mus rau hauv lub tsev hais plaub.  

Yog koj koom tes nrog lub zos county, lawv yuav sau tag nrho cov ntaub ntawv raug cai thiab muab (serve) cov ntawv no rau lwm tus niam txiv. Tej zaum lawv yuav nug koj txog lwm tus niam txiv lub chaw nyob, lub lej xov tooj, los yog lawv ua hauj lwm qhov twg.

  • Lwm tus niam txiv yuav tsum tau teb rau daim ntawv Summons and Complaint rau qhov nyiaj yug tus menyuam (child support) tsis pub dhau 21 hnub yog tias tsis muaj rooj plaub sab laj (hearing) teem.  Yog muaj rooj sab laj teem, lawv yuav tsum tau xa lawv cov lus teb mus 7 hnub ua ntej rooj plaub sab laj (hearing).

Ntawm qhov txheej txheem hu ua child support expedited, ib tug niam txiv yuav tsum teb rov qab es yog teb (Answer) thiab ua kom tiav thiav xa daim ntawv xav thov kom muaj rooj sab laj (hearing) mus rau lub tsev hais plaub. Daim qauv luam ntawm ob daim ntawv no yuav tsum muab nqa mus (served) rau lwm tus niam txiv, thiab xa mus rau lub zos county.

Yog tias tsis muaj cov lus teb rau daim ntawv tawm tsam (Complaint) ntawm 21 hnub, rooj plaub no yuav pib qhov default. Default txhais tau tias tus neeg txiav txim rau qhov nyiaj yug tus menyuam kuj yuav txiav txiav txog qhov nyiaj yug tug menyuam raws li cov ntaub ntawv nyob rau hauv daim ntawv tawm tsam (Complaint) thiab raws li lwm yam ntaub ntawv es tau muab (served) rau lwm tus niam txiv.

Thaum twg koj thiaj li yuav tsum kom muaj rooj plaub mus sab laj (hearing)?

Koj muaj rooj sab laj (hearing) yog tias:

  1. Tus niam txiv sab tod tsis teb thiab tus kws txiav txim tsis muaj lus txaus los ua ib Daim Ntawv

                                           LOS YOG

  1. Tus niam txiv sab tod teb thiab ob tug niam txiv tsis muaj kev pom zoo txog qhov nyiaj them yug menyuam (child support)

Rooj sab laj (hearing) yuav tsum tau teem caij tsis pub dhau 60 hnub pib hnub es tau muab (served) daim ntawv tawm tsam (complaint) rau tus niam txiv sab tod. Tus niam txiv es xav kom tau qhov no yuav tsum nug lub tsev hais plaub kom muaj hnub vasthib thiab lub sij hawm rooj sab laj (hearing), thiab ces qhia lwm tus neeg muaj feem xyuam. Yog lub zos county sawv cev rau tus niam txiv es xav kom muaj qhov no, ob tog niam txiv yuav tau txais daim ntawv ceeb toom qhia txhog hnub vasthib, lub sij hawm thiab qhov chaw mus mloog rooj sab laj (hearing).

Ob tog niam txiv muaj txoj cai tuaj ntawm rooj sab laj (hearing). Txij thaum muaj kab mob thoob ntiajteb COVID-19, muaj ntau cov rooj plaub hauv tsev hais plaub yog hais saum huab cua siv video xwb.  Feem ntau, cov rooj plaub hais txog nyiaj hli yug menyuam hais saum huab cua XWB. Ua zoo koj daim ntawv kom paub tias hnub twg, sijhawm thiab chaw hais plaub, thiab seb rooj plaub tuaj hais tshwm ntsej tshwm muag lossis saum huab cua. Saib lub tsev hais plaub lub vas sab kom paub ntxiv txog kev npaj hais rooj plaub saum huab cua:   Minnesota Judicial Branch - Remote Hearings | Minnesota Judicial Branch (mncourts.gov)

Koj yuav tsum tau nqa dabtsi mus ntawm rooj plaub mus sab laj (hearing)?

Nqa cov pov thawj es qhia txog koj cov nyiaj txiag.  Koj kuj yuav tsum tau muab cov ntaub ntawv pov thawj no rau lub tsev hais plaub ua ntej mus sab laj (hearing). Nqa cov ntaub ntawv es yog cov tshiab ntawm cov pov thawj es koj twb yeej tau xa mus ua ntej lawm. Piv txwv, yog koj twb tau xa cov tw tshev mus rau lub tsev hais plaub, nqa koj daim tw tshev es nyuam qhuav them koj mus nrog koj ntawm rooj sab laj (hearing).

Nqa plaub daim qauv es koj luam ntawm ib qho ntawm cov khoom no (yog tias koj muaj lawv). Ceev ib daim qauv rau koj tus kheej, thiab muab ib daim qauv rau tus neeg txiav txiv magistrate, rau tus niam txiv sab tod, thiab lub chaw ua hauj lwm rau child support office. 

  1. Pov thawj txog qhov nyiaj koj khwv tau. Nqa koj cov tw tshev 3 lub hlis tas los los yog nqa ib daim ntawv sau ua pov thawj txog koj cov nyiaj koj khwv tau.
  2. Daim ntawv ua se hauv State and federal tax returns ntawm ob lub xyoos tag los, nrog rau lwm yam ntaub ntawv pov thawj xws li W-2s los yog 1099 form
  3. Cov lus sau ua pov thawj txog tej nyiaj yeem them (voluntary payments) rau tus menyuam sib koom tu (joint child) (tus menyuam ntawm ob tog niam txiv li ntawm rooj plaub no)
  4. Yog tias koj them nyiaj yug ib tug menyuam es tsis sib koom child support for any non-joint children, qhov nyiaj koj them yug cov menyuam ntawd. Nqa daim ntawv txiav txim tshiab tshaj plaws mus, yog tias koj muaj ib daim.
  5. Qhov nyiaj koj them yug tus txij nkawm spousal maintenance (alimony) seb them npaum ces los yog koj tau npaum cas. Nqa daim ntawv txiav txim tshiab tshaj plaws mus, yog tias koj muaj ib daim.
  6. Koj cov nuj nqis koj them txhua lub hlis (monthly expenses). Muab teev rau ib daim ntawv txog seb thaj tsam koj siv nyiaj them cov nuj nqis npaum cas thiab nqa nrog koj mus ntawm qhov chaw sab laj (hearing).
  7. Seb koj muaj los yog tsis muaj cov ntaub ntawv kho mob thiab kuaj hniav (medical and dental insurance) ntawm koj qhov chaw ua hauj lwm los yog union thiab them npaum li cas. Nrog rau cov nqi rau ib tug neeg, tus tsis tau sib yuav nrog rau tus/cov menyuam, thiab tsev neeg, yog hais tias chaw ua haujlwm muab cov no.
  8. Medical or dental bills cov nuj nqis kho mob los yog kuaj hniav rau cov menyuam es daim ntawv kho mob tsis them los yog tsoom fwv daim ntawv kho mob tsis them es koj xav kom lwm tus niam txiv pab koj them.
  9. Koj them npaum cas tau qhov kev zov menyiam (child care). Nqa daim ntawv qhia txog cov nuj nqis zov menyuam ntawm koj lub chaw zov menyuam los yog ib daim ntawv sau ua pov thawj tias koj them npaum cas.
  10. Yog koj siv lub laij lej hauv online txog qhov nyiaj yug tus menyuam child support calculator ntawm http://childsupportcalculator.dhs.state.mn.us/ (lus Askiv xwb), nqa daim ntawv koj laij lej no mus rau qhov chaw sab laj (hearing)

Sau cia: Vim cov rooj plaub hais txog nyiaj hli yug menyuam hais saum huab cua Zoom, koj yuav tau hu rau Court Administration cov Thawj Coj es muab koj cov povthawj xa mus rau hauv tsev hais plaub hauv computer ua ntej koj rooj plaub. Cov tsev hais plaub siv ib txoj kev system tshiab hu ua MN Digital Exhibit System (MNDES)  los mus tswj cov povthawj hauv computer ua ntej, thaum tseem hais, thiab tom qab hais cov plaub. Qhov no yog txoj kev yooj yim tshaj los muab koj cov povthawj mus rau tsev hais plaub. Mus nrhiav tau lus qhia txog MNDES ntawm  Minnesota Judicial Branch - Preparing Evidence | Minnesota Judicial Branch (mncourts.gov)

Muaj dabtsi tshwm sim ntawm rooj plaub mus sab laj (hearing) Kom tau qhov nyiaj yug menyuam (child support)?

Thaum pib ntawm rau ploob sab laj (hearing), tus neeg saib xyuas rooj plaub yug nyiaj rau tus menyuam (child support magistrate) piav tias txog lub hom phiaj qhov qhov kev sab laj (hearing) thiab yuav muaj dabtsi tshwm sim thaum tab tom sab laj. Tus neeg saib xyuas rooj plaub yug nyiaj rau tus menyuam (child support magistrate) yuav saib seb leej twg tuaj rau ntawm rooj sab laj thiab seb ob tog niam txiv puas muaj kev pom zoo rau tej qho teeb meem. Nws yog ib lub tswv yim zoo es nrog tus niam txiv sab tod tham ua ntej tuaj rau qhov kev sab laj no, seb koj puas muaj kev pom zoo rau tej qho ntawm daim ntawv koj sau tuaj hais kom tau qhov nyiaj yug tus menyuam.

Qhia Txog Koj Sab Lus
Ntxiv mus, ib tug niam txiv muaj sij hawm muab cov ntaub ntawv rau tus neeg saib xyuas rooj plaub yug nyiaj rau tus menyuam (child support magistrate). Koj yeej ua tau li no es yog teev lus ntawm koj tus kheej, kom muaj ib tug neeg ua pov thawj teev lus qhia, thiab ua pov thawj es yog muab cov ntawv sau rau tus neeg saib xyuas rooj plaub yug nyiaj rau tus menyuam (child support magistrate).

Nco ntsoov: Yog koj npaj yuav coj ntaub ntawv tuaj qhia ntawm rooj plaub, koj yuav tsum luam ib cov rau tog sab tod tsawg kawg yog 7 hnub ua ntej rooj plaub.  Yog koj npaj yuav hu timkhawv tuaj dua li koj tus kheej, koj yuav tsum tau qhia tog sab tod thiab muab txhua tus timkhawv npe thiab chaw nyob. Koj yuav tsum tau qhia lawv 7 hnub ua ntej tuaj hais plaub. Yog koj npaj nqa ntaub ntawv tuaj, yuav tsum nqa kom txaus rau tus kws txiav txim, tus niam txiv tog sab tod, thiab qhov chaw ua haujlwm kom sawvdaw tau. Tus kws txiav txim yuav tsis kam koj siv cov ntaub ntawv yog hais tias koj tsis muab rau tog sab tod 7 hnub ua ntej. Mus xyuas cov ntawv sau txog Minnesota Digital Exhibit System (MNDES) nyob nplooj ntawv no qhia txog xa povthawj tuaj rau cov plaub hais saum huab cua.

Tus neeg txiav txiv magistrate nug kom ob tug niam txiv ib leeg hais tas ib tug mam hais. Ua ntej ces, ib tug niam txiv tsa tes cog lus qhia qhov tseeb thiab qhia rau tus neeg txiav txiv magistrate txog nws cov nyiaj txiag. Qhov no hu ua teev lus testimony. Tus neeg txiav txiv magistrate kuj yuav muaj ib co lus nug rau tus niam txiv thaum lub sij hawm nws teev lus testimony. Thaum ib tug niam txiv teev lus tag lawm, tus neeg txiav txiv magistrate muab lub sij hawm rau lwm tus niam txiv nug cov lus nug txog cov lus lawv teev testimony. Tus niam txiv ntawd mam li hu cov neeg ua pov thawj los teev lus yog tias nws muaj.

Thaum thawj tug niam txiv tag nws thib lawm, ces tus niam txiv sab tod thib. Tus niam txiv sab tom ua raws nraim li thawj tug niam txiv. Tus niam txiv sab tod tsa tes cog lus thiab pib teev nws cov lus testimony. Nws muaj lub hwv tsam los qhia nws cov ntaub ntawv rau tus neeg txiav txim magistrate, teb cov lus nug, thiab hu cov neeg ua pov thawj los teev lus.

Lub chaw ua hauj lwm child support office yog sawv cev los ntawm lub zos county tus kws lij choj ntawm qhov chaw sab laj. Lub zos county tus kws lij choj tsis sawv cev rau ib tug niam txiv twg. Lub zos county tus kws lij choj yuav nug ib tug niam txiv zuj zus tej co lus nug thiab muab cov lus nug teb tau ntawd rau rau tus neeg txiav txim magistrate. 

Qhia Kom Paub thaum mus teev pov thawj
Tsis txhob hais lus los yog txhav lus thaum tsis yog koj zeeg hais lus.

Tsis txhob hais txog lwm qhov teeb meem es tsis yog hais txog nyiaj them yug menyuam (child support), xws li seb leej twg muaj cai txiav txim siab rau tus menyuam (custody) los yog cov sij hawm rau niam txiv saib tus menyuam. Nco ntsoov, tus kws txiav txim tsis muaj cai los txiav txim rau lwm yam tsuas yog rau nyiaj hli them menyuam, isalas kho mob, nyiaj zov menyuam, thiab zam/menyuam ua se hauv cov rooj plaub no.

Muab cov ntaub ntawv koj xav qhia sau cia kom ntau li ntau tau. Ua li nov, koj thiaj li qhia rau cov ntaub ntawv rau tus neeg txiav txim magistrate kom sai thiab kom koj txhob hnov qab.

Qhov kev Txiav txim siab
Tus neeg txiav txim magistrate kuj yuav txiav txim siab es muab hais qhia kiag ntawm qhov chaw sab laj los yog “takes the case under advisement.” Yog tus neeg txiav txim magistrate muab qhov kev txiav txim no tso rau under advisement, nws yuav siv sij hawm los xav txog rooj plaub no thiab mam li muab nws qhov kev txiav txim no sau rau lwm lub sij hawm.

Tej thaum, tus neeg txiav txim magistrate kuj qhib cov sij hawm teev cov ntaub ntawv li ob peb hnub kom ob tog niam txiv thiaj li muab tau cov ntaub ntawv lawv xav muab ntxiv rau tus neeg txiav txim magistrate ua ntej nws yuav txiav txim siab. Thaum muaj kev txiav txim rau rooj plaub no lawm, tus neeg txiav txim magistrate yuav xav daim ntawv txiav txim no tsis pub dhau 30 hnub tom qab kaw cov ntaub ntawv no.

Yuav ua cas yog tias kuv tsis txaus siab rau qhov kev txiav txim?

Yog tias muaj tej yam yuam kev rau daim ntawv txiav txim, ib tug niam txiv twg yeej ua tau daim ntawv mus thov kom kho “Motion to Correct Clerical Mistakes.” Xa daim ntawv thov kom kho li no thiaj li kho tau tej qhov es muab ntaus yuam kev xws li ntaus lub npe tsis raug lawm los yog laij cov nyiaj them tsis yog lawm, xws li muab cov lej los sib ntxiv es tawm yuam kev. Koj yeej ua ntawv thov tau (motion) hloov tej no txhua lub sij hawm. Koj yuav tsum tau nqa (serve) daim ntawv mus rau tus niam txiv sab tod thiab xa daim ntawv thov (motion) no mus rau lub tsev hais plaub. Tus neeg txiav txim magistrate uas txiav txim rau neb rooj plaub mam li rov qab muab los saib dua. Feem ntau koj tsis tas muaj mus mloog sab laj (hearing).

Yog ib tug niam txiv twg tsis zoo siab rau qhov kev txiav txim no, lawv yeej ua tau ntawv thov kom rov saib dua “Motion for Review.” Koj yuav tsum tau ua hom ntawv thov (motion) no tsis pub dhau 21 hnub tom qab koj txais tau daim ntawv txiav txim. Tus niam txiv es thov kom rov qab muab qhov kev txiav txim los saib dua kuj xaiv tau kom tus neeg txiav txim magistrate los yog tus neeg txiav txim hauv lub tsev hais plaub district judge rov saib dua. Feem ntau koj tsis tas muaj mus mloog sab laj (hearing). Koj muab tsis tau cov ntaub ntawv tshiab rau lub tsev hais plaub tshwj tsis yog tias tus neeg txiav txim magistrate los yog tus neeg txiav txim judge hais kom koj muab.

Koj yeej tawm tsam (appeal) tau tus neeg txiav txim qhov kev txiav txim. Qhov appeal yog thaum koj nug kom lwm lub tsev hais plaub rov saib dua txog tus neeg txiav txim qhov kev txiav txim. Lub tsev hais plaub no hu ua Court of Appeals. Ua kom sai! Nws muaj cov sij hawm rau koj yuav tsum tau ua es tsis pub dhau caij. Xa ntawv mus thov tawm tsam (appeal) kuj yog ib qho nyuaj. Nrog ib tug kws lij choj tham seb puas tsim nyog koj xa ntawv mus thov tawm tsam (appeal). Yuav tsum muaj tej qho laj thawj xws li tsis raug cai kom thiaj li tawm tsam (appeal) tau tus neeg txiav txim qhov kev txiav txim. Piv txwv, tus neeg txiav txim tsis ua raws txoj cai li choj. 

Kom paub txog cov ntaub ntawv qhia thiab cov ntawv foos kom thiaj li xa tau mus tawm tsam (appeal):

Yuav ua cas yog tias tus niam txiv es tus menyuam nrog nyob (custodial parent) tau nyiaj pab los ntawm tsoom fwv?

Yog tias tus niam txiv tau tus menyuam nrog nyob (custodial parent) tau nyiaj pab los ntawm tsoom fwv xws li MFIP, Medical Assistance los yog Minnesota Care, thiab tau nyiaj pab them nqi zov menyuam, lub lav pab txhawb tus niam txiv ntawd cov menyuam. Tus niam txiv tau tus menyuam nrog nyob (custodial parent) es tau cov kev pab los ntawm tsoom fwv yuav tsum tau:

  1. “assign” los yog muab qhov cai kom qhov them nyiaj yug tus menyuam no mus rau lub lav kom them tau cov nyiaj lub lav pab them thiab
  2. pab lub zos county kom paub tias leej twg yog lwm tus niam txiv ntawv tus menyuam thiab teev qhov kev them nyiaj yug tus menyuam rau.

MFIP – yog tias koj tau nyiaj ntsuab MFIP, lub chaw ua hauj lwm child support office kev tau cov nyiaj yug tug menyuam (child support) thiab mam li xa tuaj rau koj.

Yog koj qhov nyiaj yug menyuam (child support) ntau tshaj li $100 ntawm ib lub hlis rau ib tug menyuam los yog $200 rau 2 tug los yog ntau tus, lawv yuav txo qhov nyiaj koj tau txhua hli ntawm MFIP ib dollar tauj ib dollar. Qhov txo nov yuav tshwm sim ob lub hlis tom qab sau tau qhov nyiaj yug menyuam (child support).  Piv txwv, yog koj muaj ib tug menyuam thiab feem ntau koj tau $300 nyiaj ntsuab los ntawm MFIP, yog lub zos county sau tau $150 qhov nyiaj yug menyuam thaum lub Tsib Hlis Ntuj, koj qhov nyiaj MFIP yuav raug txo $50 thaum lub Xya hli ntuj. Yog koj muaj 3 tug menyuam, thab lub zos county sau tau $250 qhov nyiaj yug menyuam thaum lub Tsib Hlis Ntuj, koj qhov nyiaj MFIP yuav raug txo $50 thaum lub Xya hli ntuj. Yog lub zos county sau tau $200 qhov nyiaj yug menyuam thaum lub Tsib Hlis Ntuj, koj qhov nyiaj MFIP yuav tsis raug txo thaum lub Xya hli ntuj.

Tsoom Fwv qhov Nyiaj Pab them Nqi Zov menyuam (Child Care Subsidy) – Yog tias koj tau txais qhov nyiaj Pab them Nqi Zov menyuam los ntawm tsoom fwv (Child Care Subsidy), lub tsev hais plaub yuav txiav txim kom qhov nyiaj them yug tus menyuam them ncaj qha mus rau lub zos county.

Daim Ntawv kho mob Medical Assistance or Minnesota Care – Yog tias koj los yog koj cov menyuam tau kev pab los ntawm tsoom fwv kom tau daim ntawv kho mob Medical Assistance, lub tsev hais plaub yuav txiav txim kom kev pab them nqi rau daim ntawv kho mob them ncaj qha mus rau lub zos county.

Lub zos county yeej nug tau lub tsev hais plaub kom nws txiav txim kom tus niam txiv es them nyiaj yug tus menyuam rov them cov nyiaj es tsoom fwv tau pab tus niam txiv custodial parents 2 lub xyoos tas los.

Yuav ua cas yog tias tus niam txiv es tus menyuam nrog nyob (custodial parent) tsis tau nyiaj pab los ntawm tsoom fwv lawm?

Yog tias tus niam txiv es tus menyuam nrog nyob (custodial parent) tsis tau nyiaj pab them daim ntawv kho mob Medical Assistance, MinnesotaCare, los yog pab them nqi zov menyuam, qhov nyiaj pab ntawm daim ntawv kho mob thiab nyiaj pab them nqi zov menyuam ntawm cov nyiaj thum yug menyuam muab xa mus rau tus niam txiv es tus menyuam nrog nyob (custodial parent). Lub zos county sau cov nyiaj, tabsis muab xa mus rau tus niam txiv es tus menyuam nrog nyob (custodial parent). Cov nyiaj kho mob lossis zov menyuam uas tiv rau tus niam txiv tau cov menyuam rau cov hlis uas tau nyiaj tsoom fwv pab yuav mus rau lub nroog. 

Yuav ua cas yog tias tus niam txiv es tus menyuam tsis nrog nyob (noncustodial parent) tau nyiaj pab los ntawm tsoom fwv lawm?

Yog tias tus niam txiv es tus menyuam tsis nrog nyob (non-custodial parent) tau nyiaj pab los ntawm tsoom fwv, cov nyiaj koj tau los ntawm tsoom fwv yuav tsis muaj xam tias yog cov nyiaj koj khwv tau thaum los laij seb koj yuav tsum tau them qhov nyiaj yug menyuam npaum li cas. Tabsis, tej zaum koj kuj yuav tau them tej qho nyiaj yug tus menyuaj nyob ntawm seb hom kev pab koj tau los ntawm tsoom fwv yog hom twg thiab nyob ntawm qhov koj lub peev xwm khwv tau nyiaj. 

Yuav ua cas yog tias kuv ntshai tsam yog kuv tau qhov nyiaj yug menyuam (child support) yuav ua rau kuv los yog kuv tus menyuam poob rau qhov kev phom sij?

Yog hais tais koj tau kev pab los ntawm tsoom fwv thiab koj tsis xav kom lub zos county kev cov nyiaj pab yug tus menyuam

Nyob rau qee rooj, thaum ib tug niam txiv raug tsim txom yam tsis raug cai, raug mos ua dev ua npua, los yog saib tsis taus los ntawm lwm tus niam txiv, ib rooj plaub sib hais kom muaj qhov nyiaj them yug menyuam (child support) yuav ua rau qhov teeb meem no haj yam phem. Yog tias qhov no muaj tseeb rau koj, nug tus neeg ua hauj lwm rau child support worker txog qhov kev zam hu ua "good cause exemption." Yog koj muaj qhov kev zam good cause exemption, lus zos county yuav foob kom muaj rooj plaub them nyiaj yug menyuam tsis tau rau lwm tus niam txiv yam tsis tau tso cai los ntawm koj. Ib tug niam txiv es tau tus menyuam nrog nyob (custodial parent) kuj nug kom tau qhov kev zam good cause exemption yog tias nws ntseeg tias yog muaj rooj plaub siv kev cai lij choj kom tau qhov nyiaj them yug menyuam (child support) tsam ua rau muaj kev phom sij es raug ntaus los yog ua rau puas siab puas ntsws rau lawv los yog rau lawv cov menyuam. 

Qhov kev zam “good cause exemption” kav ntev li 1 lub xyoos. Tom qab 1 xyoos, lub koos haum ua hauj lwm child support agency yuav rov qab muab rooj plaub los saib dua seb yog tau qhov nyiaj them yug menyuam (child support) muaj tseem muaj kev phom sij es raug ntaus los yog ua rau puas siab puas ntsws rau lawv los yog rau tus niam txiv los yog cov menyuam. 

Yog tias koj muaj kev txhawj xeeb txog qhov kev nyab xeeb/puaj phais thiab qhov kev nyab xeeb/puaj phais ntawm koj tus menyuam, hu rau Day One Minnesota Crisis Hotline, 24 xuaj moo ntawm ib hnub, ntawm (866) 223-1111. 

Yog tias koj TSIS TAU nyiaj pab los ntawv tsoom fwv thiab xav tsim kom muaj los yog sau kom tau nyiaj los yug tus menyuam (child support)
Tiv tauj koj lub zos county lub chaw ua hauj lwm child support office txog kev pab kom tau qhov nyiaj los yug menyuam (child support) yam tsis muaj kev phom sij.

Yog tias koj muaj kev txhawj xeeb txog qhov kev nyab xeeb/puaj phais thiab qhov kev nyab xeeb/puaj phais ntawm koj tus menyuam, hu rau Day One Minnesota Crisis Hotline, 24 xuaj moo ntawm ib hnub, ntawm (866) 223-1111Cov kev pab txog txij nkawm sib ntaus (domestic abuse) yuav pab tau kom txhob muaj kev phom sij rau koj txog cov teeb meem, kuj muaj cov hauv kev pab kom tau qhov nyiaj los yug menyuam (child support) yam tsis muaj kev phom sij.

Yuav ua cas yog kuv tsis paub tias tus niam txiv sab tod nyob qhov twg lawm?

Tej thaum tus niam txiv es nrog tus menyuam tsis paub tias tus niam txiv sab tod nyob qhov twg lawm.  Yog koj tsis paub tais tus niam txiv sab tod nyob qhov twg lawm, lub zos county yuav saib txov ntaub ntawv xws li cov se thiab cov ntaub ntawv keeb kwm ntawm nws qhov chaw ua hauj lwm seb nrhiav puas tau nws.

Lub zos county yuav sim nrhiav kom paub seb tus neeg ntawm nyob qhov twg, thiab nws khwv tau nyiaj qhov twg los. Yog tus neeg ntawd khiav mus nyob txawv lav, lub zos county yuav tsum tau pib ua hauj lwm nrog lwm lub lav qhov chaw ua hauj lwm child support office. Yog tias lub zos county nrhiav tsis tau tus niam txiv sab tod li, lawv yuav sim nrhiav txhua txhua 3 lub hlis twg los yog nrhiav tam sim ntawd thaum lawv muaj cov xov xwm tshiab txog nws.

lub zos county yuav sim xa daim ntawv raug cai mus rau lwm tus niam tsis pub dhau 90 hnub thaum lawv nrhiav tau nws. Thaum xa daim ntawv txog tus niam txiv tov lawm, lub zos county kom lub tsev haus plaub txiav txim tias tus nteeg ntawd yog tus niam txiv los yog kuaj ntshav kom qhia tau tias tus nteeg ntawd tsis yog tus niam txiv.

Yuav ua cas yog tias lwm tus niam nyob txawv lav?

Muab kom tau qhov nyiaj yug menyuam (child support) los ntawm tus niam txiv es nyob txawv lav mas yog ib qho nyuaj yog tias tus niam txiv ntawd tsis xav them. Lub lav Minnesota (thiab lwm lub lav) txhim kho lawv cov cai lij choj tas mus li kom ua rau muab kom tau qhov nyiaj yug menyuam (child support) los ntawm lwm lub lav kom yooj yim zog. Cov zos counties loj loj muaj ib tus neeg hauj haum lwm tswj (child support officers) los leg cov rooj plaub them nyiaj yug menyuam txawv lav. 

Muaj tej lub sij hawm thaum lub lav Minnesota teev tsis tau qhov qhov nyiaj yug menyuam (child support) vim yog tus niam txiv es yuav tsum tau them nyob txawv lav. Nyob rau tej rooj zoo li no, lub lav Minnesota yuav tau nug kom lwm lub lav yuav tsum tau teev thiab sau qhov nyiaj yug menyuam (child support). Yog tias lwm lub lav tsis muaj kev koom tes, los yog lawv poob qab deb lawm, nws yuav siv sij hawm ntsev.

Yog tias ob tug niam txiv nyias nyob nyias ib lub lav sib txawv, lub lav es nrhiav kom tau qhov nyiaj yug menyuam (child support) muaj 20 hnub tom qab nrhiav tau tus niam txiv sab tod es xa daim ntawv kom lub lav es tus niam txiv ntawd nyob muaj kev kooom tes pab thiab qhia cov ntaub ntawv lawv paub txog tus niam txiv ntawd. Lwm lub lav muaj 10 hnub xa kom tau qhov kev thov no mus rau lub zos county es nws yog los yog xa xov rov qab mus rau lub lav es xav paub tias tus niam txiv ntawd tsis nyob ntawd lawm. Lub lav es nrhiav kom tau qhov nyiaj yug menyuam (child support) yuav tsum tau xa cov xom xwm tshiab yog lawv nrhiav tau tsis pub dhau 10 hnub tom qab lawv nrhiav tau. 

Qhov tuav cov nyiaj khwv tseg cia (income withholding) thiab nws ho zoo li cas?

Cia li muab cov nyiaj khwv tau ceev cia (Automatic income withholding) txhais tau tias qhov nyiaj yuav tau them yug menyuam (child support) muab tshem tawm ntawm ib tug niam txiv daim tshev nws khwv tau. Txhua qhov kev txiav txim rau cov nyiaj them yug tus menyuam yuav tsum muaj qhov kev txiav txim muab cov nyiaj khwv tau ceev cia (income withholding), tshwj tsis yog tias

  • ob tog pom zoo tsis txhob siv qhov muab cov nyiaj khwv tau ceev cia (Automatic income withholding) THIAB
  • tus neeg txiav txiv los yog tus magistrate pom zoo tias lawv tsis tas siv qhov muab cov nyiaj khwv tau ceev cia (Automatic income withholding) THIAB
  • tus neeg tau qhov nyiaj them yug menyuam (obigee) tsis tau nyiaj pab los ntawm tsoom fwv.

Lub zos county qhia rau cov chaw ua hauj lwm paub tias lawv yuav tsum tau pib tshem cov nyiaj them yug menyuam ntau npaum cas ntawm ib daim paycheck thiab xa qhov nyiaj ntawd mus rau lub zos county. Ces lub zos county mam li xa mus tsis pub dhau 2 hnub. Yog koj muaj ib qho kev txiav txim txog qhov nyiaj yug menyuam tshiab es tseem tsis tau muab hloov, qhov nyiaj txiav txim kom muab ceev cia yuav tsis nyob ntawm daim ntawv txiav txim rau qhov nyiaj yug tus menyuam tshiab. Yog hais tias tsis nyob ntawm daim ntawv txiav txim, koj kuj nug tau kom hloov thaum koj rov qab mus hauv lub tsev hais plaub mus hloov (kho) koj daim ntawv txiav txim kom them.

Kuv puas yuav tsum tau siv qhov tuav cov nyiaj khwv tseg cia (income withholding)?
Tus niam txiv yeej nug tau tus neeg txiav txiv los yog tus magistrate kom tso cai rau tus niam txiv tau them obligor them cov nyiaj yug menyuam ncaj qha mus rau tus niam txiv tau txais obligee.

Yog koj nug kev pab los ntawm lub zos county kom pab sau qhov nyiaj yug menyuam, lub tsev hais plaub tsuas pub them ncaj qha rau tus niam txiv es tus menyuam nrog nyob yog tias tus niam txiv ntawd tsis tau kev pab los ntawm tsoom fwv thiab tsis xav kom lub zos county no muaj kev pab ntxiv thiab ib qho hauv qab no muaj tseeb:

  • Lub tsev hais plaub muaj laj thawj zoo kom tsum qhov tuav cov nyiaj (tshem nyiaj tawm ntawm daim paycheck) thiab nws yog ib qho zoo rau tus menyuam
  • ob leeg niam txiv kos npe pom zoo tias qhov nyiaj yuav them li cas. Qhov kev pom zoo no yuav tsum tau muab saib dua los ntawm lub tsev hais plaub.

Yog tias lub zos county tsis muaj kev pab, lub tsev hais puab tsuas pub them ncaj qha yog tias

  • Tus txais nyiaj yug menyuam obligee tsis tau nyiaj pab los ntawm tsoom fwv thiab
  • ob leeg niam txiv kos npe pom zoo

Yog koj muaj ib daim ntawv them nyiaj yug menyuam ncaj qha tuaj es tus niam txiv sab tom tsis them lawm, koj muaj feem mus ua daim ntawv nug kom lawv txiav nyiaj tom haujlwm. Yuav kom ua tau qhov txiav nyiaj tom haujlwm, tus kws txiav txim yuav tsum txiav txim seb tus niam txiv sab tod puas them nyiaj txhua hli lossis nws tau hawv tias yuav tsis them nyiaj lawm.

Yuav siv sij hawm ntev li cas kom thiaj li tau qhov nyiaj them thaum muaj qhov ceev nyiaj kwv tau cia automatic income withholding?
Lub chaw ua hauj lwm muaj 7 hnub thaum hnub nws ceev cov nyiaj khwv tau cia them yug menyuam ntawm ib daim paycheck es muab xa mus rau lub xeev qhov chaw them nyiaj (state payment center).  Lub xeev muaj 2 hnub xa tuaj rau koj.  Lub chaw ua hauj lwm kuj muaj 14 hnub los teeb tsa qhov kev them (payroll system) no kom nws cia li them nws mus tas li rau lub xeev xwb. Yog tias lwm tus niam txiv hloov hauj lwm, ces tej thaum qhov kev them zoo li no kuj yuav ua hauj lwm tsis tau li qhov nws ua.

Yog tias koj muaj daim ntawv txiav txim txog nyiaj them yug menyuam tshiab los yog hloov qhov kev txiav txim rau cov nyiaj yug menyuam, qhov no siv sij hawm li ob peb asthiv rau tus neeg txiav txim los yog tus magistrate kos npe rau thiab kom pib siv tau daim ntawv no. Tej no mas ua rau tsim kev nyuaj siab rau tus niam txiv es yuav tsum tau qhov nyiaj yug menyuam no. Tabsis, sau tau nyiaj ntau dua thaum siv qhov kev ceev cov nyiaj khwv tau (income withholding) li yog tias tsis siv qhov txoj hauv kev no.

Cov chaw ua hauj lwm yuav tsum tau ceev cov nyiaj khwv tau (income withholding) los them rau qhov nyiaj yug menyuam ntawm ib daim paycheck thiab tsis pub kom muaj kev ntxub ntxaug rau tus neeg ua hauj lwm es muaj qhov kev txiam txim kom nws tau them. Cov chaw ua haujlwm muaj feem raug lub txim hu uas misdemeanor yog tsis ua raws li cov kev cai kev nyiaj hli yug menyuam.

Yuav ua cas yog tias tus niam txiv es yuav tau them qhov nyiaj yug menyuam nws ua hauj lwm rau nws tus kheej (self-employed)?
Siv qhov kev ceev cov nyiaj khwv tau (income withholding) no siv tsis tau yog tus niam txiv ua hauj lwm rau nws tus kheej (self-employed). Hmoov tsis muaj li, nws yog ib qho yuav nyuaj heev kom muab tau cov nyiaj yug menyuam los ntawm tus neeg ua hauj lwm rau nws tus kheej (self-employed). Siv qhov kev ceev cov nyiaj khwv tau (income withholding) no tau yog tias nws yog ib tug independent contractor.

Tshooj 5: Hloov qhov nyiaj hli yug menyuam (child support) es twb yeej muaj lawm

Nqi nyob noj haus nce lawm (The Automatic Cost-of-Living Increase)

Qhov nyiaj them yug menyuam nce txhua 2 lub xyoos thaum lub Tsib hlis vim cov nqi nyob noj haus nce. Yog koj tau nyiaj hli yug menyuam los ntawm lub nroog, lub Nroog yuav nug qhov COLA rau koj. Yog koj tsis tau kev pab, ces koj muaj feem nug qhov COLA koj tus kheej. Ib tug niam lossis txiv hais kom tsis txhob muab qhov COLA los tau.

Koj yeej mus nqa tau cov ntawv hauv lub vas sab ntawm lub tsev hais plaub hauv https://www.mncourts.gov/GetForms.aspx?c=6 los yog ntawm qhov chaw Self-Help Center. Kom nrhiav tau qhov chaw Self-Help Center mus ntawm lub tsev hais plaub lub vas sab ntawm http://www.mncourts.gov/selfhelp/ los yog hu rau (651) 435-6535. Nug koj lub nroog lub hoobkas nyiaj yug menyuam kom pab yog hu rau Minnesota Child Support Information xovtooj ntawm 651-431-4400 lossis mus xyuas Minnesota Child Support Online vassab

Kho qhov nyiaj yug menyuam es twb txiav txim tag lawm (Modifying a Child Support Order)

Ob tug niam txiv ib leeg twg yeej nub tau kom hloov qhov nyiaj them yug menyuam (child support) lub sij hawm twg los tau, es yog ua ntawm mus thov txhim kho (motion) kom kho (hloov) nyiaj pab. Tabsos tsuas yog qee yam lub tsev hais plaub thiaj li pom tias muaj laj thawj txaus los kho hloov qhov nyiaj them yug menyuam (child support)

Nov yog tej qho laj thawj es kam hloov tau ntawm qhov nyiaj them tu tus menyuam (child support order):

  • Ib qho hloov li yog 20% ntawm qhov nyiaj khwm tau ntawm tus niam txiv them qhov nyiaj yug tus menyuam
  • Ib qho hloov ntawm cov menyuam sib koom joint children muaj ntau tus los yog tsawg tus los ntawm tus niam txiv es them nqi yug los ntawm tus niam txiv
  • Ib tug niam txiv pib tau kev pab los ntawm tsoom fwv          
  • Muaj ib qho hloov ntau txog qhov nqi zov menyuam
  • Muaj ib qhov hloov es yog muaj daim ntawv kho mob los yog daim kho hniav rau
  • Tus menyuam sib koom joint child rais los ua ib tug neeg xiam oos qhab
  • Ob tog pom zoo hloov (kho) daim ntawv txiav txim kom them nyiaj yug menyuam

Yog tias nug kom muaj ib qho hloov vim yog muaj ib qho hloov ntawm kev zov menyuam los yog hloov pab them nqi kho mob, ces tsuas yog qhov ntawd nkaus xwb es nyob hauv daim ntawv txiav txim thiaj li hloov tau.

Tus neeg txiav txim los yog tus magistrate tsuas kho tau qhov nyiaj them tu tus menyuam (child support order) yog tias muaj tej yam hloov loj “substantial change" ntawm tus menyuam qhov kev pab los yog cov nyiaj ntawm tus niam txiv khwv tau es ua rau qhov nyiaj teev kom yuav tsum tau them no muaj tej qho tsis ncaj ncees. Lub tsev hais plaub yuav tsis hloov qhov nyiaj hais kom them tu tus menyuam (child support order) tshwj tsis yog tias qhov nyiaj ntawm qhov hloov no nce los yog nqi li ntawm 20% thiab $75.

Nov yog tej yam kuj yuav hloov tau ntawm daim ntawv txiav txim kom them nyiaj yug menyuam (child support)

  • ib tug menyuam rais los ua neeg laus lawm
  • ib qho hloov loj ntawm cov nyiaj khwv tau los yog hloov ntawm qhov ib tug niam txiv twg xav tau kev pab ntxiv
  • ib qho hloov loj ntawm ntawm tus menyuam nws xav tau kev pab ntxiv
  • tau kev pab los ntawm tsoom fwv
  • nqi kho mob kim heev rau tus menyuam       
  • muaj nqi zov menyuam tshiab los yog tau hloov qho nqi zov menyuam
  • ib qhov hloov loj ntawm niam txiv qhov sijhawm

Yog hais tias koj daim ntawv txiav txim them nyiaj yug menyuam kuj yuav hloov li 20% thiab $75, tabsis koj tsis paub txiav txim txog tuaj pw puas tsawg hmo (cov sij teev tseg tsis hais kom meej), koj daim ntawv txiav txim them nyiaj yug tus menyuam kuj yuav hloov tau – tiamsis koj yeej tseem siv tau qhov sijhawm qub xyuas menyuam, tsis siv daim tshiab. Yog koj xav siv qhov sij hawm laij dua tshiab ntawm qhov sij hawm teev rau niam txiv saib tus menyuam, koj yuav tsum tau ua ntawv thov txhim kho (motion) kom thiaj li tau kiag cov sij hawm teev rau niam txiv saib tus menyuam kom meej.

Cov nyiaj yug tus menyuam yuav tsis cia li hloov taus maus tiv thaum ib qho ntawm cov khoom sab saud hloov.  Koj los yog lub zos county yuav tsum tau ua ntawv thov txhim kho (motion) nug kom tus neeg txiav txim los yog tus magistrate txiav txim kom tau daim ntawv hais kom them tshiab. Qhov ntawv txiav txim qub yeej tseem siv thiab yuav ntswj kom ua raws txog thaum lub tsev hais plaub txiav txim rau daim ntawv tshiab. Qhov no yeej muab tseeb txawm tias ob tog pom zoo hloov ntawm lawv tus kheej.

Ua kom sai yog tias koj xav tias kom daim ntawv txiav txim kom them nyiaj yug tus menyuam yuav tsum tau hloov! Lub tsev hais plaub tsuas muaj peev xwm hloov qhov kev pab no pib hnub es koj los yog lub zos county cev (serves) daim ntawv thov txhim kho (motion) rau niam txiv sab tod. Koj yuav sau tsis tau qhov nqi tshiab ntawm qhov nyiaj yug menyuam ua ntej lub sij hawm ntawd. 

Ib daim ntawv thov txhim kho (motion) rau daim ntawv txiav txim feem ntau txhais tias tus neeg txiav txiv los yog tus magistrate yuav saib tag nrho cov kev tau txiav txim – nyiaj yug menyuam, nyiaj pab them nqi zov menyuam thiab nyiaj pab them nqi kho mob. Yeej muaj tej lub sij hawm koj yeej nug tau tus neeg txiav txim los yog tus magistrate kom lawv tsuas saib ib qho ntawm daim ntawv txiav txim xwb. Yog tias koj tsuas xav kho ib qho ntawm daim ntawv txiav txim nco ntsoov yuav tsum tau tham nrog lub zos county qhov chaw ua hauj lwm child support office seb ua li ntawd puas tau ntawm koj rooj plaub. 

Cov nqi (Fees) 
Yog tias koj xav ua ntaub ntawv tuaj txhim kho kom hloov tej qho hauv koj qhov nyiaj them yug tus menyuam (child support), koj yuav tau them qhov txhim kho tus nqi yog li ntawm $100. 

Yog koj tau nyiaj tsawg thiab them tsis taus cov nqi, nug tus kws txiav txim plaub kom Zam Nqi “Fee Waiver.” Daim ntawv Zam Nqi “Fee Waiver” nug kom tus kws txiav txim plaub luv tus nqi lossis tshem tawm kom koj tsis txhob tau them.

Muab daim ntawv tawm los es sau kom tiav ntawm lub tsev hais plaub lub vassab https://www.mncourts.gov/GetForms.aspx?c=19.

Yuav ua cas thiaj li hloov tau qhov hais kom kuv them?

Koj los yog lub zos county qhov chaw ua hauj lwm yeej nug tau tus neeg txiav txim los yog tus magistrate kom hloov tau daim ntawv txiav txim yug nyiaj rau tus menyuam es yog ua daim ntawv thov txhim kho (motion) kom hloov tau daim ntawv txiav txim yug nyiaj rau tus menyuam. Qhov no yog muab sau ntawv mus qhia rau tus neeg txiav txim los yog tus magistrate tias koj xav hloov dabtsi thiab vim li cas.

Nws muaj ob txoj kev:

  1. Nug koj lub chaw ua hauj lwm child support office hauv koj lub zos kom pab koj
  2. Xa cov ntaub ntawv mus rau lub tsev hais plaub ntawm koj tus kheej

Nug koj lub chaw ua hauj lwm child support office hauv koj lub zos
Koj yeej hloov tau koj daim ntawv txiav txim es yog nug koj lub chaw ua hauj lwm child support office hauv koj lub zos kom pab koj. Nug kom lawv ua li no pab koj mas yog sau ib daim ntawv mus rau lawv. Muab cov laj thawj rau lawv tiav vim li cas daim ntawv txiav txim them nyiaj yug menyuam thiaj li yuav tsum hloov. Yog tias lub chaw ua hauj lwm child support office lees txais koj cov ntaub ntawv coj rov los saib dua thiab hloov kom haum, lawv yuav ua ntawv thov txhim kho (motion) khom hloov kev pab thiab yuav siv qhov txheej txheem “Expedited Child Support Process” kom thiaj li tau qhov kev txiav txim tshiab. Xa paub kom tiv tauj tau hu rau 651-431-4400 los yog mus saib hauv lub tuam tsev Department of Human Services lub vassab. (lus Askiv xwb).

Vim rau qhov tsis muaj neeg ua hauj lwm coob thiab tsis muaj kev pab txaus, lub chaw ua hauj lwm child support yuav tsis muaj peev xwm lees txhais txhua txhua rooj plaub.  lub chaw ua hauj lwm child support office tsuas tau hais los ntawm txoj cai tias lawv yuav tsum tau rov muab cov ntawv saib dua thiab kho kom haum “review and adjust” ib zaug ntawm 3 lub xyoos. Yog tias lub chaw ua hauj lwm child support office txiav txim siab rov saib koj cov ntaub ntawv, lawv yuav tsis muaj peev xwm pib leg cov ntaub ntawv ntawm koj rooj plaub tam sim ntawd.  og vim li no, koj kuj yuav tau xav tias tej zaum koj yuav tsum tau ua ntaub ntawv kom muaj qhov kho (motion) no ntawm koj tus kheej.

Xa cov ntaub ntawv mus rau lub tsev hais plaub ntawm koj tus kheej
Lwm txoj kev kom kho tau qhov pab nyiaj yug menyuam yog ua ntawv thov kho (motion) ntawm koj tus kheej los yog kom ib tug kws lij choj pab koj. Koj yeej muab tau daim ntawv los ntawm lus tsev hais plaub lub vas sab https://www.mncourts.gov/Help-Topics/Language-Access-Plans/Resources-in-Hmong.aspx los yog ntawm qhov chaw Self-Help Center. Nrhiav kom tau lub chaw Self-Help Center mus rau ntawm lus tsev hais plaub lub vas sab http://www.mncourts.gov/selfhelp/ (lus Askiv xwb) los yog hu rau (651) 435-6535.

1. Ua kom tias daim ntawv (forms)
Tag nrho cov ntawv (form packet) los nrog ib daim Motion and Affidavit (cov lus muab sau teev qhia). Sau kom tag nrho txhua txhua yam es daim ntawv nug.

Muab cov pov thawj qhia txog koj cov nyiaj koj khwv tau nrog rau daim ntawv affidavit. Yog tias koj khwv tau nyiaj tom hauj lwm, muab 3 daim tw tshev koj koj nyuam qhuav lav tom hauj lwm tso nrog mus thiab. Yog tias koj muaj lwm txoj kev es khwv tau nyiaj, sau ib daim ntawv qhia tias koj khwv tau nyiaj ntau npaum cas thiaj xa nrog mus. Koj kuj yuav tsum tau ua kom tiav daim ntawv affidavit thiab xa ntxiv tej qhov nyiaj koj khwv tau tias khwv qhov twg los xa mus thiab. Thaum koj ua daim ntawv affidavit tag thiab nrhiav rau koj cov pov thawj ntawm cov nyiaj koj khwv tau, kos npe rau daim ntawv affidavit. 

Thaum koj ua tiav tag nrho cov ntaub ntawv lawm, nug kom ib tug neeg ua hauj lwm hauv lub tsev plaub kom teem ib lub sij hawm rau koj tuaj sab laj. Sau hnub vasthib, lub sij hawm thiab qhov chaw teem mus sab laj rau daim ntawv thov txhim kho (motion) es nrog cov ntawv tuaj. Kos npe thiab sau vasthib rau daim ntawv thov txhim kho (motion) thiab sau koj lub chaw nyob rau hauv qab qhov chaw koj kos npe. 

2. Cev Koj Daim Ntawv Thov Koj Txhim Kho (Serve Your Motion)
Thaum koj ua tiav koj daim ntawv thov txhim kho Motion and the Affidavit, muab luam 3 daim. Cov ntaub ntawv no yuav tsum tau muab xa hauv pais xab nis mus, tabsis koj xa tsis tau mus! Koj yuav tsum nrhiav lwm tus neeg es muaj lub hnub nyoog li 18 xyoo xa hauv pais xab nis mus. Tus neeg ntawd xa ib daim mus rau tus niam txiv sab tov thiab daim thib ob mus rau koj lub zos county qhov chaw child support office. Ceev daim thib peb rau koj tus kheej. Tus neeg xa cov ntawv no mus mas yuav tsum tau ua daim ntawv hu ua “Affidavit of Service By Mail” es nrog cov ntawv tuaj kom ua tau pov thawj tias lawv yeej xa cov ntawv no mus lawm tiag. Ua ib daim ntawv Affidavit of Service rau tus niam txiv sab tod thiab daim ntawv ob Affidavit of Service yog rau cov ntawv koj xa mus rau lub zos county qhov chaw child support office.

3. Tiv Thaiv Cov ntaub Ntawv Kom Neeg Tsis Txhob Pom thiab Xa Daim Ntawv Thov Txhim Kho (Protect Private Information and File Your Motion)
Tej co ntaub ntawv qhia mas tsis pub leej twb paub thiab yuav tsum tsis txhob pub cov pej xeem pom. Yuav kom ceev tau cov ntaub ntawv no kom neeg tsis txhob pom, muaj ob daim ntawv koj yuav tsum tau ua kom tiav thiab xa nrog koj cov ntawv mus nram lub tsev hais plaub. Daim ntawv no yog daim foos 11.1 thiab 11.2. Muab daim ntawv no hauv Self-Help Center los yog hauv online ntawm http://www.mncourts.gov/Help-Topics/Child-Support.aspx.

Yog tias koj xav daim ntawv muaj cov ntaub ntawv qhia txog koj, tus niam txiv sab tod, thiab koj cov menyuam, ua thiab xa daim ntawv 11.1. Qhov no yuav tiv thaiv cov khoom xws li cov lej cim social security numbers, tus lej chim tom chaw hauj lwm, thiab cov nyiaj hauv account es muaj nyob rau hauv cov ntaub ntawv koj xa mus nram tsev hais plaub. Cov ntawv sau qhia no ces yeej muab npog dub nciab (khij tawm) tag nrho. Yog tias koj tsis ua daim ntawv form 11.1, cov lej no cov neeg peej zeem sab nraud yuav pom. Koj kuj yuav raug lub tsev plaub nplua nyiaj vim koj tsis ceem tej yam ntaub ntawv qhia no koj neeg tsis txhob pom. 

Siv daim ntawv 11.2 teev cov ntaub ntawv es qhia txog koj tej nyiaj rau lawv. Qhov no yuav ua kom cov pej xeem tsis pom. Tej yam piv txwv es koj yuav tsum tau ceev kom pej xeem sab nraud tsis txhob pom yog

  • Cov tw tshev, ntawv employer statements, W-2 forms, los yog cov nyiaj khwv tau ntawm lub lag luam thiab nyiaj siv rau lub lag luam
  • Cov ntawv ua se es koj ua tag thiab thaum twg koj ua tag lawm
  • Ntawv qhia koj cov nyiaj bank statements
  • Ntawv qhia txog daim credit card statements
  • Daim tshev (Check registers)

Xa koj daim ntawv thov txhim kho (Motion), koj daim ntawv Affidavit, thiab 2 daim ntawv teev lus tias yeej xa mus lawm (Affidavits of Service by Mail) mus rau lub tsev hais plaub 7 hnub ua ntej rooj plaub sab laj (hearing).

4. Nrhiav kom tau cov ntaub ntawv qhia
Ntaub ntawv qhia seb them nyiaj xuab moo li cas pem hauj lwm
Tus chaw ua hauj lwm child support office yeej muab tau daim qaub qhia txog ib tug neeg qhov nyiaj nws khwv tau los ntawm lub xeev State of Minnesota. Lawv yuav tsum tau muab rau lub tsev hais plaub txog cov ntaub ntawv qhia txog cov nyiaj ntawm ob tog niam txiv thaum muaj ib tug neeg ua daim ntawv thov txhim kho (motion) hloov qhov nyiaj yug menyuam. Yog tias koj tsis tau ib daim qauv txog cov ntaub ntawv qhia txog cov nyiaj koj khwv tau hu rau lub chaw ua hauj lwm child support office thiab nug kom muab rau koj.

 Yog tias tus niam txiv sab tod yog tus xa cov ntaub ntawv, lawv yuav tsum tau xa daim ntawv qhia txog nyiaj txiag (financial affidavit). Tus niam txiv xa daim ntawv qhia txog nyiaj txiag (financial affidavit) xa ib co pov thawj (xws li tw tshev) tshwj tsis yog tias lub tsev hais plaub hais tias lawv mus muab tsis tau. 

Koj yeej siv tau qhov “subpoena” kom muab tau lwm tus niam txiv cov ntaub ntawv qhia txog cov nyiaj lawv khwv tau. Ib qhov subpoena yog ib daim ntawv tuaj nram lub tsev hais plaub tuaj es hais tais ib tug neeg yuav tsum tau muab cov ntaub ntawv rau lub tsev hais plaub los mus tshwm ntawm rooj plaub sab laj. 

Muab kom tau daim ntawv subpoena ntawm lub chaw tswj cov ntaub ntawv hauv lub tsev hais plaub Court Administrator’s office es yog sau ib ib daim ntawv mus nug. Daim ntawv thov no yuav tsum hais qhai tias hom ntaub ntawv twg koj xav tau thiab muab lub nep thiab chaw nyob ntawm tus neeg koj xav tau nws cov ntaub ntawv es tsis pub lwm tus paub. Cov kev cob qhia kom paub siv daim ntawv subpoena nyog nram qab ntawv daim ntawv. Koj yeej nug kom ib tug neeg nqa nws cov tw tshev, cov se nws ua tag los yog lwm yam pov thawj qhia txog cov nyiaj lawv khwv tau tuaj mus ntawm rooj plaub sab laj (hearing) nrog daim ntawv subpoena. Koj kuj nug tau cov pov thawj ntawm cov nqi pab them zov menyuam los yog hom ntaub ntawv kho mob thiab kho kaus hniav thiab them kim npaum li cas es yog lwm tus niam txiv yauv pem lawv qhov chaw ua hauj lwm. Muaj ib qho nqi tsub rau ib daim ntawv subpoena es koj nug tshwj tsis yog tias koj muaj daim ntawv Fee Waiver ntawm lub tsev hais plaub. 

Koj kuj cia li nug lwm tus niam txiv kom muab cov ntaub ntawv koj xav tau rau koj. Txoj cai lij choj hauv lub xeev hais tias cov niam txiv yuav tsum sib koom tes es muab cov ntaub ntawv no sib qhia rau ob tog niam txiv. 

Thaum kawg, koj thiab tus neeg txiav txiv magistrate yuav muaj lub hwv tsam nug lwm tus niam txiv txog cov ntaub ntawv es yog nug lawv thaum muaj rooj plaub sab laj. Yog koj xav tias tus niam txiv sab tod yuav tsis tuaj thiab koj tsis paub tias nws khwv nyiaj tau ntau npaum cas, koj kuj siv daim ntawv subpoena kom yuam kom tau tus niam txiv ntawd tuaj. 

5. Mus ntawm rooj sab laj (hearing)
Mus tom lub tsev hais plaub lossis nkag mus hauv rooj plaub saum huab cua 15 feeb ua ntej rooj plaub pib. Ua zoo saib kom hnub teem, sijhawm thiab qhov kev qhia mus “login” yog. Tus neeg magistrate kuj yuav xav pib rooj sab laj ntxov yog tias cov rooj sab laj ua ntej koj ho tas sai. Qhov tseem ceeb tshaj, koj tsis txhob mus lig rau koj rooj sab laj. Yog tias koj rooj sab laj twb tiav ua ntej koj mus txog, koj yuav tsis muaj lub hwm tsam txog tej kev txiav txim siab. Lawv yuav txiav txim siab yam tsis tos koj li. 

Nyeem “Koj yuav tsum tau nqa dabtsi mus ntawm rooj plaub mus sab laj (hearing)?” ntawm Tshooj 4 kom paub cov khoom teev qhia tias koj yuav tau nqa yam twg mus rau tus neeg txiav txim los yog tus magistrate ntawm rooj plaub sab laj (hearing). Tej thaum tus neeg txiav txim magistrate txiav txim thaum mus mloog rooj plaub sab laj. Feem ntau, koj mam li tau txais daim ntawv txiav txim tom qab rooj plaub sab laj (hearing).

6. Muab daim ntawv txiav txim rov saib dua
Ua twb zoo nyeem daim ntawv txiav txim koj zoo zoo thaum koj tau txais. Koj kuj yuav tau nug kom muaj kev kho ntawm daim ntawv txiav txim yog tus neeg ntaus ntawv ntaus tej qho yuam kev, ntaus tej qho muaj tseem yuav kev, los yog txiav txim tsis yog lawm.

Koj kuj nqus tau daim ntawv cov qhia kev kho kom yog ntawm state court’s modification instructions at
http://www.mncourts.gov/Help-Topics/Child-Support.aspx (lus Askiv xwb).  

Tshooj 6: Ntswj Kev txiav txim kom them qhov nyiaj yug menyuam es twb yeej muaj lawm (Enforcing a Child Support Order)

Yuav ua cas yog tias txiav txim kom kuv them qhov nyiaj yug tus menyuam (child support), tabsis kuv them tsis taus?

Ib tug niam txiv yuav tsum tau them qhov nyiaj yug menyuam (child support) raws li daim ntawv txiav txim. Yog tias ib tug niam txiv qhov xwm txheej tau hloov lawm, thiab lawv them tsis taus them qhov nyiaj yug menyuam (child support), lawv yuav tsum tau xyuas seb lawv kho (hloov) puas tau qhov kev txiav txim. Lub tsev hais plaub yuav saib qhov es hloov ntawd, thiab cov cai lij choj txog txhim kho (modifying) daim ntawv txiav txim, thiab txo tej qho nqi them kom qis rau tej yam. Saib “Hloov qhov nyiaj hli yug menyuam (child support) es twb yeej muaj lawm” ntawm Tshooj 5 kom paub ntau dua. 

Yuav ua cas yog tias lwm tus niam txiv tsis kam them qhov nyiaj yug menyuam (child support) es twb yeej muaj lawm thiab kuv yuav tsum tau qhov nyiaj ntawd pab kuv?

Tej co neeg kuj xav paub tias yog vim li cas thiaj li coj tsis tau tub neeg yuav tsum tau them nyiaj yug menyuam (obligor) mus kaw thaum lawv tsis them? Los yog vim li cas tib neeg thiaj dim qhov tsis them nyiaj yug menyuam?

Sau kom tau cov nyiaj yug menyuam (child support) los ntawm tus neeg tsis koom tes mas yog ib qho nyuaj tshaj plaws rau lub lav, rau tus niam txiv tus menyuam nrog nyob, thiab rau cov neeg thuaj pais

Lub xeev Minnesota cov cai mas hloov tas li thiab muaj cov cai tshiab tas li los siv kom sau tau cov nyiaj them yug menyuam.

Tsoom fwv sim tag nrho txhua txoj hauv kev kom pab sau kom tau cov nyiaj them yug tus menyuam es lawv sau tau:

  • Muab cov nyiaj yug menyuam (child support) no ncaj qha ntawm lawv daim tshev them tom hauj lwm.
  • Coj mus foob hauv tsev hais plaub vim tsis them raws li kev txiav txim.
  • Ceev cov nyiaj se tau rov qab them yug menyuam (child support).
  • Siv cov chaw ua hauj lwm hu mus txhib thiab pab sau nyiaj yug tus menyuam
  • Tshem daim npav tsav tsheb (professional licenses and driver’s licenses).
  • Tso ib tug neeg lub npe (lien) rau cov tsheb los yog lub yam khoom (property).
  • Tsis pub tus niam txiv thov kom tau phau ntawv passport.
  • Tsis pub kom tus niam txiv ntawv thov tau nyiaj pab them nqi ntawv (student grant).

Li ntawd los, tseem muaj ib co niam txiv es tsis them nyiaj yug menyuam. Ntau zaus cov neeg no lawv

  • ua hauj lwm rau lawv tus kheej (self-employed)
  • ua hauj yuav them nyiaj ntsuab
  • muaj keeb kwm ua hauj lwm tsis tais tuas los yog
  • khiav chaw nyob tas mus li

Cov zos counties siv nyiaj ntau heev los nrhiav kom tau cov neeg no thiab coj lawv mus hauv tsev hais plaub, thiab qee rooj mas, muab lawv kaw. Tej co neeg yeej tsis muaj ib qho nyiaj los them yug menyuam.  Lwm cov neeg ces lawv xum raug mus kaw tshaj li them nyiaj yug menyuam. Thaum qhov no muaj tseeb lawm, nws kuj yog ib qho nyuaj los yog yuav tsis muaj peev xwm sau tau nyiaj ntawm lawv li.

Yog ib tus niam txiv es yog tus them nyiaj yug menyuam (obligor) tsis kam them qhov nyiaj yug menyuam, koj yuav tsum kom paub tseeb tias lub zos county yeej sim ua txhua yam li lawv qhov peev xwm. Yog koj tsis ntseeg siab tias txhua yam yeej tsis tau sim, lub tuam tsev Department of Human Services Child Support Enforcement Division kuj yuav qhia tau rau koj tias qhov twg yog qhov koj yuav tsum tau ua. Hu lawv ntawm (651) 431-4400.

Txeeb ib tug niam txiv cov se rau nyiaj hli yug menyuam (Cuam tshuam Se) (Tax Intercept)

Ib xyoos twg ib lub zos county thiab lub xeev yuav tsum tau qhia rau qhov chaw ua se Internal Revenue Service (IRS) thiab lub tuam tsev the Minnesota Department of Revenue (the state tax agency) yog tias tus niam txiv es tau them (obligor) tiv cov nyiaj them nqi yug menyuam. Lub tuam tsev IRS txeeb cov nyiaj tus niam txiv es tau them (obligor) ua se tau rov qab los them rau qhov nyiaj yug menyuam. Qhov no hu ua "tax intercept." Tax intercept yeej muaj txawm tias tus neeg tau txais qhov nyiaj (oblige) tau kev pab los ntawm tsoom fwv los tsis tau, tabsis qhov nyiaj tiv ntawm qhov nyiaj yug menyuam yuav tsum ntau dua yog tias rooj plaub yug nyiaj rau tus menyuam (child support case) es tsis muaj feem xyuam nrog kev pab los ntawm tsoom fwv. Yog tias tiv cov nyiaj yug menyuam no rau lub xeev, lub xeev yuav ceev cov nyiaj se (tax intercept collections), txawm tias tus niam txiv tau qhov nyiaj yug menyuam (obligee) tsis tau kev pab los ntawm tsoom fwv lawm. 

Puas kam kuv tsis them qhov nyiaj yug menyuam (child support) txog thaum kuv tau cov sij hawm saib tus menyuam?

Tsis kam. Tej co niam txiv yeej xav tias lawv tsis muaj sij hawm txaus rau lawv saib tus menyuam thiab xav tsum tsis them nyuaj yug menyuam txog thaum lawv tau sij hawm ntxiv. Tabsis, cov sij hawm rau niam txiv saib tus menyuam thiab nyiaj them yug menyuam yog ob qho sib txawv. 

Ib tug niam txiv tsum tsis tau qhov them nyiaj yug menyuam mas tsis tau vim rau qhov nws tsis tau cov sij hawm saib tus menyuam. Thiab lwm tus niam txiv yuav tsis pub lub sij hawm rau tus niam txiv saib tus menyuam vim rau qhov nws tsis tau nyiaj yug menyuam mas ua tsis tau li no. Yog tias lub tsev hais plaub yeej txiav txim kom muaj cov sij hawm rau niam txiv saib tus menyuam, thiab yog tias tsis ua raws, koj yeej nug lub tsev hais plaub kom ntswj daim ntawv txiav txim. Tabsis yog koj tsis them qhov nyiaj yug menyuam ces lub tsev hais plaub yuav tsis zoo siab rau koj thiab. 

Muab koj tau cov ntaub ntawv tiv tauj koj lub chaw ua hauj lwm county’s child support office thiab court administrators’ office ntawm lub tuam tsev Minnesota Department of Human Services’ Child Support Enforcement Division ntawm 651-431-4400 los yog ntawm lawv lub vas sab: https://mn.gov/dhs/people-we-serve/children-and-families/services/child-support/programs-services/enforcing-orders.jsp

GLOSSARY - Cov ntsiab lus thiab Tshab txhais

Cov ntsiab lus thiab Tshab txhais

Basic Support: Qhov nyiaj them yug ib tug menyuam tej kev noj haus (basic expenses).  Basic expenses yog tej yam xws li zaub mov, khaub ncaws, vaj tse thiab lwm yam nuj nqi es muaj feem xyuaj nrog nqi zov menyuam.   Lub tsev hais plaub teev qhov nqi no yog siv daim ntawv cob qhia child support guidelines.

Child Care Support: Qhov nyiaj txiav txim los ntawm lub tsev  hais plaub kom pab them nqi zov menyuam thaum ob leeg niam txiv mus ua hauj lwm los yog mus kawm ntawv.

Child Support: Qhov nyiaj them pab yug tus menyuam.  Nws yog tag nrho qhov nyiaj pab yug tus menyuam kev noj haus (basic support), pab them nqi kuaj mob  (medical support), thiab pab them nqi zov menyuam.

Custodial Parent: tus niam txiv tus menyuam nrog nyob

Federal Poverty Guidelines: Ib daim ntawv chart qhia txog qhov cov theem ntawm kev khwv nyiaj es xam tias txom nyem es nyob theem sib txawv thiab seb tsev neeg coob los tsawg.   Daim ntawv cob qhia federal poverty guidelines siv los txiav txim txog qhov nyiaj pab yug tus menyuam “self-support reserve.”

Gross Income: Qhov nyiaj khwv tau tag nrho ntawm txhua qhov hauj lwm ua ntej txiav se tawm.

Income Available for Support: Qhov nyiaj khwv tau (gross income) tom qab tshem qhov nyiaj “self-support reserve.”

Joint Child: Tus menyuam ntawm ob tug niam txiv ntawm rooj plaub yug nyiaj rau tus menyuam.

Legal Custody: Qhov kev muaj cai los txiav txim siab rau tej yam loj rau tus menyuam lub neej, xws li tus menyuam mus kawm ntawv qhov twg, coj kev caij ntuj li cas, thiab kev kho mob loj.  Sole legal custody txhais tsuas yog ib leeg niam txiv muaj txoj cai los txiav txim txog tus menyuam.  Joint legal custody txhais tias ob leeg niam txiv txiav txim ua ke.

Medical Support: Medical support yog qhov nyiaj pab them txiav txim los ntawm lub tsev hais plaub kom pab them tus nqi rau daim ntawv kho mob, pab them daim ntawv kho mob pab los ntawm tsoom fwv (Medical Assistance), los yog cov nuj nqis es daim ntawv kho mob them tsis tas, ntxiv nrog cov nuj nqis kho mob es tseev tiv.

Non Custodial Parent: tus niam txiv tus menyuam yeej tsis nrog nyob.

Non-joint Child: ib tug menyuam ntawm ib tug, tabsis tsis yob ob leeg niam txiv li ntawm rooj plaub yug nyiaj rau tus menyuam.

Obligee: ib tug neeg es tau qhov nyiaj yug tus menyuam.

Obligor: ib tug neeg es tau them qhov nyiaj yug tus menyuam.

Parental Income for Determining Child Support (PICS): Ib tug neeg qhov nyiaj khwv tau (gross income) luv tawm rau cov menyuam tsis sib koom (non-joint children).  Qhov lej number no siv kom laij tau tias yuav them yug tus menyuam, pab them nqi zov menyuam, thiab nqi kho mob. 

Parenting Time:  Cov sij hawm ib tug niam txiv nrog tus menyuam.  Nws tsis tseem ceeb tias leej twg yog tus muaj cai txiav txim rau tus menyuam.

Parenting Expense Adjustment: Qhov no txo kom tus nqi yug nyiaj rau tus menyuam qis zog ntawm tus neeg tau them obligor muab luv tawm vim cov sij hawm nws tau saib tus menyuam

Rau qhov teev cov nyiaj them yug tus menyuam, qhov sij hawm teev rau niam txiv saib tus menyuam kuv txiav txim los ntawm cov hmo tus menyuam pw nrog ib tug niam txiv, los yog lub tsev hais plaub txiav txim txog cov sij hawm tus niam txiv siv nrog tus menyuam yog tias tus menyuam yeej nrog tus niam txiv ntawd ntau heev tabsis ho tsis pw ib hmos.

Physical Custody:
Txhais tias tus menyuam nrog nws nyob thiab muaj kev txiav txim siab ib hnub dhau ib hnub txog kev zov menyuam. Sole physical custody txhais tias tus menyuam yeej nrog ib tug niam txiv nyob nkaus xwb.  Joint physical custody txhais tias tus menyuam nyob nrog ob leeg niam txiv thiab muaj sij hawm sib npaug saib tus menyuam.

Potential Income: Yog hais tias ib tug niam txiv muaj feem ua haujlwm tau “full-time” tiamsis tsuas ua “part-time” xwb, tus kws txiav txim sau tau hais tias yog lawv ua haujlwm “full-time” no tau nyiaj li cia. Yog tus niam txiv tsis ua haujlwm, lossis tus kws txiav txim tsis paub txog nws cov nyiaj khwv los, tej zaum tus kws txiav txim xam hais tias yog lawv ua haujlwm 30 teev ib lim tiam es them nyiaj tsawg kawg no yuav tau pestsawg.

Self-Support Reserve: Qhov nyiaj khwm tau es muab tseg cia rau tus neeg rau them qhov nyiaj yug tus nyuam (obligor) kom nws them tau nws cov nuj nqi txhua lub hli.  Qhov no txhais tau tias qhov nqi them nyiaj yug tus menyuam yuav tsis tseg rau tus neeg obligor kom tsawg tshaj qhov nyiaj no kom nws nyob taus, tshwj tsis yog tias muaj kev txiav txim tias tseg kom tsawg li tsawg tau.  Qhov self-support reserve yog 120% ntawm qhov federal poverty guideline rau ib leej neeg, uas yog $1,458 rau 2023.  

Social Security and Veteran’s Benefits: Yog ib tug niam txiv txog caij nyoog so los yog retired los yog xiam oos qhab thiab lawv tau nyiaj los ntawm tsoom fwv Social Security or Veteran’s benefits (es tsis yog tau cov nyiaj SSI), qhov nyiaj pab los ntawm tsoom fwv rau ib tug niam txiv kuj muab xam tias yog ib qho nyiaj nws khwv tau.  Yog tias muaj ib qhov nyiaj pab los ntawm tsoom fwv them rau tus menyuam vim niam txiv xiam oos qhab los yog txog cai so hauj lwm lawm (retirement), qhov nyiaj them rau tus menyuam yuav muab ntxiv rau qhov yug nyiaj rau tus menyuam ntawm phab retired or disabled parent’s child support column, thiab lwm hnub txiav tawm ntawm qhov nyiaj yug tus menyuam.

Spousal Maintenance: Qhov nyiaj ib tug neeg raug txiav txim kom them rau ib tug txij nkawm thaum muaj rooj plaub sib nrauj.  Qhov no kuj hu ua “alimony” thiab.

Tax Intercept: Thaum lub tuam tsev ua se Internal Revenue Service (IRS) los yog lub tuam tsev the Minnesota Department of Revenue ceev ib tug niam txiv cov nyiaj ua se tau rov qab los them cov nyiaj yug tus menyuam.